Spirit And Environment

TUES., JULY 16, 1991, 5:38 AM

This assignment, here at Rutgers, has been completed, and you got some helpful perspectives, even in this short time. You were a bit resentful of the time this was requiring, but you now see that it was quite worthwhile. You finished three sets of exams, got some good sun, and if you finish the last set today, the trip will have been a success. And you have been quite faithful to Me, as well. (Just remember the lesson of the pen!)

Now you must turn to your next two opportunities – the Sermon and the Class at Synod School. As you see by the title today I shall advise you about the class. When you are back home read over the Teaching on conversion, and I then will add to that. That is a shorter task, but it has to be crafted more carefully.

For the course you need to go over the books by Fox and Berry. It may be well, given your inclination to limit your activities at the School this year, to use the other class time to read what you’re not able to read before then. You’ll need to extract parts of Entropy, preparing these as handouts. And, as I have suggested, you should develop some activities for the class, to make them consider relationships between spirit and this earth of Mine. Incidentally, use the term “environment” sparingly, with more use of “God’s earth”, “the Lord’s Land” and others that I shall suggest.

I shall not order this, but I hope you shall “come out of the closet” again, this year in relation to your class. Last year you used Teachings as the basis for the early morning devotionals, and the group heard of Our relationship. This seemed to be well-received. This year do likewise with your class, and actually use the Ruminations on Deep Ecology… Deep Theology as the basis for one class, probably the last. This could be your last Synod School, so I want you to be identified in this way. You shall balance this well with some other contributions of yourself, and it shall be My pleasure to see you do this.

You also must find the latest Presbyterian statement in relation to the environment and have this available. (You see that you shall be busy in the short week you have left!) Then it is important to note that while your church makes good proclamations its members tend to be high entropy folk. Consider the possible consequences of this and discuss whether there are any practical possibilities for change. Adapt the Survival activity and have them predict the future.

Here’s another idea. Begin and end each class with a Scriptural passage and a liturgical prayer. These should come from both the Old and New Testaments, including some words from Me, as Jesus. There may not be time to do this, but, on the other hand, you could do it in one morning, with My guidance, instead of a Teaching. Always know that I am adaptable.

My preference is for an end to population growth. This shall be your most controversial issue. I have set a process of reproduction into being, and it now is out of balance. There have to be deaths to match the births… or life must be lived in a much simpler way. Neither seems desirable or even reasonable to you Americans and, especially, you Presbyterians. Recycling and reuse of materials is commendable, but these practices are of minor consequence to the whole relationship between humans and this finite planet. (Be sure and emphasize the environmental cost of going out into space… use My quote that it is not My desire for humans to do this in earth life. After… fine!)

TUES., JULY 16, 1991, 5:38 AM

This assignment, here at Rutgers, has been completed, and you got some helpful perspectives, even in this short time. You were a bit resentful of the time this was requiring, but you now see that it was quite worthwhile. You finished three sets of exams, got some good sun, and if you finish the last set today, the trip will have been a success. And you have been quite faithful to Me, as well. (Just remember the lesson of the pen!)

Now you must turn to your next two opportunities . . .

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