Spirit… And… Health

THURS., DEC. 3, 1992, 6:40 AM

Tomorrow you drive again, in order to make an important presentation, from My perspective. (Yes, My creation, the sun, is giving you a pre-dawn “light show.” Enjoy it but don’t let it be a distraction.) So let Me help you with it… now and as they day progresses.

I’ll clarify the title first. Spiritual health implies the health of the spirit, or how well the spirit is functioning in a person and how well it can adapt in times of “need.” The spiritual dimension to health assumes health to be a whole phenomenon, one dimension of which is the spirit. It can be an overarching, unifying dimension, as you picture it, but it is one aspect of health, different from the other dimensions. It can be a philosophical choice (one I would make, naturally) to see the spiritual as more important, even as the true basis for the health of all the other dimensions. You should mention this, but not dwell on it in the presentation. It could come up, then, in later conversations.

You see, the more developed, the healthier, the spirit is the more it is the actual determiner of health, overall. If an individual’s spirit is not developed and is not encouraged to grow in an earth lifetime it has very little influence on overall health. There may be no coordination or unifying of health at all. Rather, each dimension just fends for itself, making for a very disorganized personality, and various forms of ill health. Another possibility is that another dimension becomes dominant and “rules” the personality. For example, a dedicated body builder allows the physical size, condition, and shape of the body to be the prime dimension of health. A dedicated scholar lets the intellectual dimension dominate and is “healthiest” when completely absorbed in study and writing. For you, if this dimension were stronger you would write these pages faster. However, your spirit is stronger, and it must consider and, in a sense, filter what I say through your mind. You’re not yet able to understand this mystical process, so just keep doin’ it. Let the spiritual understanding be sufficient.

As spirit becomes stronger it balances these other dimensions. Tomorrow you shall be in a different social environment, meeting many new people and getting to know a few better. This will be an exercise for your social dimension, enhanced by your spirit. Without spirit’s help you would not do nearly as well in this new social situation. You will let spirit help you adapt, and you’ll be quite comfortable.

You feel quite pressed now, but as you let your spirit guide you manage to accomplish most of what is necessary. You have not done the letters I have called for, but your spirit knows this. Your time given to the Newsletter might seem excessive, and it would be if you were doing this just for personal glory. But as you do it for Me and for the enjoyment of the members of your congregation, it is time used well. As much as possible let your spirit guide your use of time… and you’ll accomplish more, with less stress.

As I’ve emphasized before, as you age and your body works less well a strong spirit will compensate. You will more easily and gently accept what cannot be changed, and will adapt in the ways best for you. As you retire and no longer have a position of attention your spirit will turn in other ways to activities for which you now don’t have time. It shall be important to continue to find new people to love, but you have many such who are younger than you are, so this should not be a burden for your spirit.

THURS., DEC. 3, 1992, 6:40 AM

Tomorrow you drive again, in order to make an important presentation, from My perspective. (Yes, My creation, the sun, is giving you a pre-dawn “light show.” Enjoy it but don’t let it be a distraction.) So let Me help you with it… now and as they day progresses.

I’ll clarify the title first. Spiritual health implies the health of the spirit, or how well the spirit is functioning in a person and how well it can adapt in times of “need.” The spiritual dimension to health assumes health . . .

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