Spirit… And… Health

FRI., AUG. 13, 1999, 3:56 PM

You know, certainly that you have already planned, in the notes you have, for a sermon that shall be longer than usual. So be cautious about adding anything more… but you won’t need to apologize if it does “run over” a bit. Just know that I’m to blame.

As you will say, spirit is a vital, unifying factor in human health, and, from My perspective, it is the essence of health. Yet your culture would not affirm this, but only, somewhat grudgingly, accept that it is sometimes a factor in health. Medicine, with its scientific base, is the dominant cultural force in relation to health. You spent most of your professional life as a health educator, but were never compensated, monetarily, like unto physicians, the “leaders” of the medical care industry. This was not bothersome to you, for you had little motivation to be a physician, concerned with the ills of people, in daily practice.

You experienced spirit in most of what you did, as a teacher and coach. Though memories of specific students and specific class events do fade, increasingly, you do have a strong sense that you helped many a young person grow in spirit, as a result of having you as a coach-teacher-professor. And such recollections are spirit-rewarding for you. Spiritual growth is best when it is “mutual.”

Despite the losses that tend to increase, you still consider yourself “healthy”… and so do I. Retain this positive evaluation as long as possible, even with uncomfortable therapies that you may elect to try. Remember the John Baker story – he felt full of life… healthy… almost up until his body died. Such is a comparably worthy goal for you. For cancer is a challenge to spirit. Can you maintain a happy, positive attitude in the midst of pain? Can you be aware of all that is life-affirming and appreciative of these “factors” as you know that your body is dying and further active life will be limited? You don’t know how successful you’ll be, but you are aware of the challenges.

Another “awareness” that is increasingly troubling is that of poor memory. You may have to develop some ways of remembering, rather than just assuming that the losses aren’t important. Notes can be helpful, and you may need to start some “system” that serves as an aid when “on-the-spot” memory is insufficient. You have seen, in your Mother, your Dad, and Mabel, how “old age” seems to gobble up short term, connected memory, leaving some jumble of partial thoughts… and no thoughts. You should not have to endure this on a “long-term” basis, but you can be aware and make some attempts to “postpone” the losses that are part of aging for most who are into their 80’s and 90’s.

( 4:34 PM / 8:22 PM )

Matthew is a son with obvious spirit, and you do appreciate this, most of the time. You suspect that he “wastes” a lot of his money, by your standards, but you also appreciate that he also helps people with his wealth… and in this sense he is a healthy young man. You don’t expect to be here in the earth when that “income” no longer comes in, but you expect that he’ll find some way to function well… for he does have a strong and infectious spirit.

Wendy’s spirit does have its low points, as the reality of Michael’s “departure” is evident in so many of her life’s events (like the answering machine). She shall eventually do well, but she is right in acknowledging the fullness of this loss in her life. I say that deaths are necessary, but I’ve never said that individual deaths are all easy to accept. But when you don’t truly understand the joys of the transition to the spirit realm, best for you, it seems so cruel, so terrible. Michael is doing well, as you would expect. As I told you there was no way he could have continued life without a major handicap, so he came on over.

FRI., AUG. 13, 1999, 3:56 PM

You know, certainly that you have already planned, in the notes you have, for a sermon that shall be longer than usual. So be cautious about adding anything more… but you won’t need to apologize if it does “run over” a bit. Just know that I’m to blame.

As you will say, spirit is a vital, unifying factor in human health, and, from My perspective, it is the essence of health. Yet your culture would not affirm this, but only, somewhat grudgingly, accept that it is sometimes a factor . . .

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