Spirit And Me

SAT., FEB. 2, 1991, 6:57 AM

There was much talk of spirit last evening and it is good that even a small group of your profession can gather and learn of such. The speaker was right in saying that no two spiritual paths are exactly the same, but only to the extent that no two humans are more than similar. Some paths are close enough together that spiritual friendships may form and continue, that churches may be organized and thrive, and that families, of various sorts may be a source of strength to members. So, again, it is a both/and… spiritual paths are individual, but some are similar enough for fellowship and communion.

I, the Holy Spirit, am the fount… the Wellspring of all individual spirit and spirits. I am within you, I am within all others (though seldom recognized and acknowledge the way you do), and I am abounding in this earth. So, I am a fundamental part of you AND ALSO Wholly Other. That is no contradiction. It is just the reality of reality. I permeate, but I do not control. I influence, and I stand back and let mistakes be made. I awakened you and brought you here, with the “equipment” necessary for a Teaching, but I do not do this every day or in every morning situation. Other spiritually mature people do not rise early to be in such a relationship with Me. I don’t harass you, but I am ready to help you understand the spiritual nature of life more fully.

Your singing last evening was full of spirit. You did it well, but if you had consulted your list you would have done Lord of the Dance and given forth a Christian spiritual message with a little better balance than what you did.

There is much beauty in the earth, and you are fortunate to live in a place of beauty and blessedness. This lake setting is one that can stimulate spirit, and it and Camp Carew are available to you. You come here seldom because your own place has beauty that you can enhance, by your efforts and through your time. Spirit urges you to maintain and enhance beauty, and I urge you to heed that call from spirit.

Spirit and love are different words, but neither can be defined exactly or precisely. Actually, in essence they are one and the same. I am Spirit, and I am Love. As you feel love you exude it, and it can be felt by others. You don’t have to think about love or analyze it overlong. Just know that at this end of your life you can enjoy love, being both a loving and a loved person. You need not fear, and you need not hate. Love overcomes fear, and without fear there is no reason for hate. Yes, develop this love and fear relationship with your death class this next week.

I assure you again… and again… that you need have no fear about your professional future. If you are to lose your summer monies, which would bring retirement sooner than planned, accept this with a spirit of “Ah, so.” I say again that the loss of one opportunity is merely the beginning of another. With your hand in Mine you will have more chances for spiritual expression… and thus for spiritual growth… than you ever can deal with. You anticipate great loss with the end of your teaching career, but you shall find new gains that shall be as satisfying, finally.

You sit here in the sunshine on what will be a warm winter day. In the midst of cold and gloom comes this day with a clear blue sky and unusual warmth. Let this be a symbol of the way spirit surges. Even when spirit is strong it still surges, letting you feel more than you usually do. Savor these times, as you must savor this day. It does not yet herald Spring, but it is a surge toward warmth. Then I say, as the parallel to this, enjoy the remaining days of cold, even of gloom… and also savor those times when spirit seems irrelevant and unimportant. Spirit has its seasons and its weather patterns, too.

Yes, o son, I, the Holy Spirit, am both real and available to you. Listen to other interpretations of spiritual life, but always return to Me for verification. Remember that part of My nature is a spirit of fun and humor. Occasionally I will offer you challenges, with a “twinkle in My eyes” just to see how you react. Always consider that what happens to and with you is just My having fun. Perhaps someday you shall truly appreciate “Ram is a funny Ram!”

SAT., FEB. 2, 1991, 6:57 AM

There was much talk of spirit last evening and it is good that even a small group of your profession can gather and learn of such. The speaker was right in saying that no two spiritual paths are exactly the same, but only to the extent that no two humans are more than similar. Some paths are close enough together that spiritual friendships may form and continue, that churches may be organized and thrive, and that families, of various sorts may be a source of strength to members. So, again . . .

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