Spirit And Morals

THURS., APR. 4, 1991, 9:02 AM

It is good that you are here, ready to listen to Me. You could be out having an expensive meal, with little opportunity to speak of matters spiritual, your special task on this trip. So, why not assume that I led you back to this desk, offering you the best companionship for this evening. You are doing reasonably well with spiritual conversations. You know your priority. Keep it foremost in your mind and spirit.

You heard a presentation focused on morals as they relate to health. You did not feel sure how this relates to the spirit, even as you felt sure there was a relationship. Let Me teach you in this matter. Both morals and ethics have to do with what is right, what is good, better, and best. This refers mainly to actions and behaviors, but these obviously stem from attitudes, values, and preferences based on the concepts of good, better, best, and right.

Spirit is what gives power to moral values. Your mind can decide that a value should be and what actions are best, but the mind can also consider alternatives. Spirit knows what is best… and the stronger spirit is the more powerful that knowledge is and the more likely the proper behavior will follow. Of course when spirit is not well developed then the power to know and to act is minimal. Spirit can grow in one lifetime, but persons with more mature spirits just have an advantage in moral matters. Unfortunately, some of the youth who are the most immoral in their actions are either rather new or undeveloped spirits, and they are unable to deal well with the choices of adolescent life.

On the other hand some with immature spirits do meet the challenges, often with the help of other spirits, and thus they grow, even under adverse conditions. Hard choice situations thus are the conditions for both growth and regression. Each of you knows this before you come into the earth, but some with more power and force than others.

It is paradoxical to realize that if most orthodox health education were completely successful many of the true challenges to the growth of spirit would be eliminated. Your son John Patrick faced some real challenges in his young life. In meeting these and “conquering” his rather mature spirit developed, and it has empowered him into his present success in his work. He is a good learner, of course, but it is his spirit that is mostly responsible for his achievements. Actually each of your sons has faced challenges, and they all have done well. Matthew got a particularly peculiar challenge – a fortune – and he still has some growing to do… and acknowledging of Me… but he is progressing.

You must realize that many moral health issues have, underlying them, the assumption that any “early” death or any disability are undesirable, even wrong. Certain food choices can be seen as immoral if these lead to some condition causing premature death. Yet I have told you repeatedly that long life is not a universal good. This is one of your cultural values, but you must not force it on Me as My only value. I just know that some instances of premature death are good… sometimes for all concerned. You will never know how your son Peter would have developed as a man. You regret his early death, but you rest assured that his spirit is progressing well in another realm. His immediate response that “This is great!” was a true account of his reaction to coming over, even early.

Sexual behaviors are those most likely to be called immoral. These can be seen quite differently: the same behavior in one circumstance can be seen as beautiful, even rather holy, but in another it can be called immoral, wrong, even evil. Conceiving a child is a prime example of this. Your culture now considers whether being homosexual is right or wrong… or is it just the different sexual act? … and is it “as wrong” for lesbians as for gay males? If not, why not?

THURS., APR. 4, 1991, 9:02 AM

It is good that you are here, ready to listen to Me. You could be out having an expensive meal, with little opportunity to speak of matters spiritual, your special task on this trip. So, why not assume that I led you back to this desk, offering you the best companionship for this evening. You are doing reasonably well with spiritual conversations. You know your priority. Keep it foremost in your mind and spirit.

You heard a presentation focused on morals as they relate to health. You did not feel . . .

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