Spirit And Soul

SEPT. 22, 1980, 5:31 AM

You have returned to the home base, and after the rather “heady” experience at Virginia Beach you return to Me for an early morning teaching. I do not chide you for the days in which you sought knowledge elsewhere (though I am a bit prejudiced in favor of this for you). I have given you a title that bothers you, for it would seem to involve a test of the validity of these meditative sessions. You are afraid that you will be able to write down only what you already understand… and that this will not be in tune with real truth. Your lack of faith astounds me sometimes. How many green sheets of paper will it take? So… listen and write.

Your spirit is the unifying aspect of your life, and, as such, is an important dimension of health. Your spirit seeks My Spirit, and My Spirit seeks you… And we definitely have met and formed a relationship. Your spirit also seeks communion with the spirit in each other person and with the spirit in animals, trees, sky… anything imaginable. For there is spirit everywhere. The earth is first and foremost a spiritual phenomenon. It has manifested into matter, and this can obscure the spirit, but it needn’t.

Never be “stingy” in recognizing spirit. It is a limitless quality, so you need not be concerned with restricting it to humans only (even certain humans only). Here in the earth there is a principle that something becomes more valuable as there is less and less of it. This has some merit, but it is a selfish definition of value. There is a limited supply of gold, so people call it valuable… and buy and sell it at high prices. But it only buys that which is of greater value. Oxygen is of real value, even though it seems to be in limitless supply.

But let’s get back to spirit. It is both abundant and valuable, but the harsh “law” applies: to the one who has shall more be given, and to the one who has little, even what is had shall be taken away. As spirit develops it recognizes spirit in others, in many experiences in the earth. In enlightenment there is the genuine recognition of spirit as the essence of everything, in every moment… but that is reached by growth and by attunement with Me. Those with less developed spirit see only gross manifestations of spirit, and these seem unreal and certainly not normative. Those with more development of spirit recognize and acknowledge spirit in many more people, events, experiences, and “stuff” in the earth. With this recognition one’s own spirit grows and is capable of more awareness and appreciation. And so it goes.

SEPT. 22, 1980, 5:31 AM

You have returned to the home base, and after the rather “heady” experience at Virginia Beach you return to Me for an early morning teaching. I do not chide you for the days in which you sought knowledge elsewhere (though I am a bit prejudiced in favor of this for you). I have given you a title that bothers you, for it would seem to involve a test of the validity of these meditative sessions. You are afraid that you will be able to write down only what you already understand . . .

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