Spirit And The Profession

TUES., NOV. 15, 1983, 6:35 AM

You want a Teaching that relates to the session last evening, o son, and I see no reason not to offer you My observations. Just remember that Our process normally has Me giving you the title. You know this, but, for the sake of form and orthodoxy, I remind you again.

This portion of your profession of health education now has made the move to include the spiritual as a dimension of human well-being. You followed My suggestions sporadically, and, yes it would have been fascinating to know why each person was there. I do not call on you to take active leadership in this movement within this professional group, but you should offer a contribution to the program. This possibility could encourage you to write the basic paper that the profession needs… and that you and I could contribute. (Yes, I realize that this adds another task to the high priority list, but so let it be. You have contributions to make before it is time for rest.)

Purpose in life is a part of the spiritual dimension to health, and you, of course, have a strong sense of purpose in your own spirit, augmented by those purposes I have “laid on” you. You see, it is particularly wonderful when part of the spirit’s purpose in life is to make others aware of spirit as a factor in health. Others are eager to add this to their purposes for being here in the earth, and there shall be opportunities for this in this profession, of which you are a part.

Health is the quality of a person’s functioning as a whole person. This, in total, is not measurable, and this presents some initial difficulty for any profession that is enamored with measuring. However it is observable, at least in part, and this should be emphasized.

Now it is interesting to consider health when the premise is accepted that this observable physical life in the earth is not the only way in which the person functions. Death occurs, and observation (even measurement) says that this person is no longer functioning. You know, of course, that the spirit still is functioning… may even give some evidences of this, as Peter did. In the realm of spirit death may allow greater functioning, for now you become aware of other purposes you have had, before the earth incarnation, and how these all interrelate. Has bodily life in the earth been an experience of growth in spirit? The circumstances of that life, objectively, do not give the answer to this vital question.

But if the answer is Yes, then there may be “time” for another earth venture, in another body, with somewhat different circumstances. It shall be hard for many in your profession to accept that a life of physical ill-health may be one of spiritual health and growth, and the person’s healthy functioning accepts the physical limitations and hardships and exhibits purpose and service to others, even to Me.

Health for All – by the year 2000. This is one of your profession’s current slogans, which can be achieved only if there is an acceptance of death as a part of public health… a positive aspect. The proliferation of human life that is projected is not healthy, in a community and world sense. The prolongation of life may contribute to individual health, but may be a negative development for the health of the world.

Death can have a beautifully sacrificial quality to it, even without dramatic events. The earth is a beautiful, unique place in which to develop a life, but this is being spoiled by numbers of people and by “development” that produces dangerous wastes. Thus any death can be a means for others to have “more space” and profit more from life. If death were “allowed” and seen, even by the dying person, as a contribution to the well-being of others, another quality of health would be established and be evident. It is unfortunate that your profession, as a whole, would reject this premise.

TUES., NOV. 15, 1983, 6:35 AM

You want a Teaching that relates to the session last evening, o son, and I see no reason not to offer you My observations. Just remember that Our process normally has Me giving you the title. You know this, but, for the sake of form and orthodoxy, I remind you again.

This portion of your profession of health education now has made the move to include the spiritual as a dimension of human well-being. You followed My suggestions sporadically, and, yes it would have been fascinating to know why each . . .

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