Spirit As A Factor In Drinking

THURS., APR. 15, 1982, 5:24 AM

The sun just rises (or so it appears), and you have another busy day ahead of you. Listen first, o son, as I teach about matters that could be helpful today… and also for the next Ruminations.

I taught yesterday about the extremes in spirit… the person of highly developed spirit and then the one of poorly or negatively developed spirit. Most people, naturally, are not at either extreme, because even those who are “first-timers” in the earth have had opportunities for spirit development in other realms of being. All spirit growth does not take place here in the earth.

The earth is, as I have taught you, a most special realm, and one of the many reasons for this is beverage alcohol. As you say in your presentation I, in creation, set the mechanism for the “production” of alcohol, a definite by-product of natural plants and water, My most plentiful resource. I knew, in a general sense, what this substance would do to and for people. This even is related to the Garden of Eden story, for the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil had the capacity to let humans think… and challenge Me and My ways and purposes. That fruit, fermented in water, brought forth the capacity to exhibit spirit… and hence the person can know more about his own spirit, and others also have views from which to make judgments.

Truly, I did know that alcohol would be a troublesome creation, and, yes, it is similar to sexuality in that regard. Each can be a factor in wonderful, even holy, relationships, but each also can be part of the generation of much personal and social pain. And, of course, when these two are mixed the possibility for good and for harm is enhanced even more.

Spirit is a factor in drinking, and Paul offers the fundamental truth in the Holy Scriptures. If you do not drink, refrain for Me. If you do drink, do so for Me. And even if you overdrink, still offer this to Me. I love abstainers whose motivations are to serve Me better, to be no stumbling block for their fellow humans, to live life more fully in other ways. I love those who drink responsibly, again with a concern for the welfare of others… and with a spirit that recognizes this beverage as one of My good gifts. I also love the drunk whose love for and relationship to Me is quite in evidence as the influence of mind diminishes.

You still remember well that revelation years ago when you, in a drunken state, felt the love for your little sons pouring forth and realized, even dimly, that your underlying spirit was one of love and gentleness. You also remember, and should, that evening of Greek dancing with Father Albert and Henry when the spirit of the dance and of the comraderie prevailed over the destruction of a bit of furniture. Though I value responsibility, think not that I value the concern for a chair more than the concern for spirit expressed in rhythmic movement.

Yes, I will comment on your abstinence as a youth and young man. It was commendable as a discipline, but its spiritual quality was low, because you did it almost entirely for self rather than for others or for Me.

You dedicate each crock of brew that you make to Me and ask My blessing upon it. Because each does not taste the way you would wish it does not mean that I am not blessing it. I accept that offer. You might even consider a quiet blessing of each glass poured. Anything that moves you closer to acknowledging My presence and My influence and your relationship with Me and with others through Me deserves My smile and applause.

So spirit is a factor in drinking… first in the motivations to drink, abstain, or overdrink… and then as that which is revealed to self and others as the drinking proceeds. In vino veritas est… and I am responsible for this.

6:27 AM