Spirit As A Factor In Health

THURS., APR. 8, 1982, 6:05 AM

You relax and await a title, o son, and, as oft times before, you resist the obvious. But I also commend you for this… you are not to be demanding of specific help… and you feel that you have more than enough for this morning’s presentation. However, I am pleased with these opportunities that you have, partly from your own initiative and developed talent and partly from My influence. For the rest of your life here in the earth this time never assume that any happening is entirely of My doing, but also never assume that I am not involved in some way.

This morning’s meditative teaching is not one of new information… is not one to cause you to rebuild your speech. Rather it is My gift to you of thoughts that may clarify and help to build this concept, so that you communicate about it more easily.

Spirit is a factor in health in two ways. A healthy spirit is one that relates easily to others, that considers others above self (as you did not last night… make up for that today), that is open to spiritual experiences (often verifiable only in the telling of a story)… experiences with another person, with a group, with some non-human aspects of the world, with other spirits, and, of course, with Me, the Holy Spirit. The other way is in its unifying capacity with the other dimensions of functioning and adapting. You could not have done all of the things that you did on Monday and Tuesday of this week without a strong and unifying spirit. Throw yourself into today with the same spirit, be aware of My help or of My testing, and move ahead in a unified way.

With any physical problem (and you will have these from time to time) always involve your spirit as a part of the diagnosis and treatment. Consider that some physical matter, like the small skin problem on your back, may be a stimulus to consider Me… to turn more toward Me.

As you turn toward the rewrite of your book… it must have an honest intellectual quality to it, but also spirit must shine through the pages. Spirit is that which can coordinate so that the result of an intellectual exercise is more than that… more than merely new words on pages.

Within your profession, where I desire that you be, you shall continue to move among persons who reject spirit as a legitimate factor in health… and then will come those who must limit spiritual considerations to just the religious, even just the Christian. Both types of encounters shall continue to be a challenge (particularly when the interacting is with both at the same time). With some you will gently but relentlessly push for recognition and acceptance of spirit as a critical factor in health, not demanding a relationship with Me but still testifying to its value. With others you must listen with love, but not agree to the affirmation that spirit is only in those who profess Jesus Christ. Know that this may be their mission, and I do commission certain zealots for My cause. Resist the temptation to feel that yours is the ideal, even true, interpretation of spirit. It is one. You feel comfortable with it, generally, and it is the message I want you to bring, but it is far from the only one.

THURS., APR. 8, 1982, 6:05 AM

You relax and await a title, o son, and, as oft times before, you resist the obvious. But I also commend you for this… you are not to be demanding of specific help… and you feel that you have more than enough for this morning’s presentation. However, I am pleased with these opportunities that you have, partly from your own initiative and developed talent and partly from My influence. For the rest of your life here in the earth this time never assume that any happening is entirely of . . .

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