Spirit As A Factor In Health

TUES., APR. 14, 1987, 6:22 AM

Yes, o son, this shall be the theme for your next Ruminations. You have heard My urgings in this direction, so now I make it clear in this communication, for which you have plenty of time this week. (It is interesting, isn’t it, that at conventions you have time every day for a Teaching, and you zip right through the writing, without the distractions you seem to feel at home. Yes, and you should list only the ones in your vita that relate directly to your professional life. Others may be good for your fellow professionals to read, but cannot fully qualify as a “professional writing.” But I shall let you decide).

Spirit as a factor in health… this has been part of your professional thinking for many years now, and support for its inclusion is building, though with no great momentum or intensity. The heart is the organ that sustains life in the body. The brain is the structure that sustains life of the mind. There is no organ or structure for spirit, for it continues in life, even after the heart and brain have stopped functioning. Spirit occupies the body and mind… when it is strong it permeates, truly… but it can just as easily move on when bodily/earthly life is over (or even when it is severely threatened).

Some spirits are created anew when a conception takes place. (The proportions and percentages of this in comparison to continuing spirit is of no consequence to you.) But if spirit lives eternally after being created, and if the earth is a good environment in which spirit MAY grow (as it is), then it is also truth that some new babies are the “habitat” for a soul created “some time ago,” which means that such start off with spirit as a potentially big factor in their health.

Scientific investigation shows, increasingly, that some people, because of hereditary structure and function, will grow larger, will have greater functionality, will have fewer instance of illness and disease, and will live longer than others born at the same time and in the same circumstances. Other investigations suggest, sometimes strongly, that mind function or “brain power” is also inherited, and some, because of strong heredity, will develop more mental functioning, will learn more, retain it better, and be open to new learnings more than others of their age and culture.

If these facts are acceptable it is easier to accept the truth that babies are born with different spiritual capacities also. Spirit, however, does not come in the genes and chromosomes and is not from the biological parents. Rather, spirit is the active, growing nature of a disembodied soul who comes into each baby’s body and mind at sometime before or shortly after birth. A strong spirit has the means for making the best out of the body and mind, however these are (and there assuredly is a great variety). A weaker spirit may have to “battle” with a strong mind… or a weak body. The challenge to spirit, whatever its development, is to unify and coordinate the body and mind and itself to become a healthy… fully functioning person.

TUES., APR. 14, 1987, 6:22 AM

Yes, o son, this shall be the theme for your next Ruminations. You have heard My urgings in this direction, so now I make it clear in this communication, for which you have plenty of time this week. (It is interesting, isn’t it, that at conventions you have time every day for a Teaching, and you zip right through the writing, without the distractions you seem to feel at home. Yes, and you should list only the ones in your vita that relate directly to your professional . . .

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