Spirit As Comforter

SAT., MAY 22, 1993, 7:05 AM

In days of yore, in your second “tour” at Punahou you had difficulty with the dual role of counselor and disciplinarian. The brief study of the prophet Micah on Wednesday mornings will show this contrast in another way… the prophet’s word of God’s displeasure with His chosen people, and then word of His love and forgiveness. You also remember this as one of the difficulties of parenting… the balance between correcting and accepting.

So, here in the Gospel of John I, as Jesus, tell My disciples, and hence I am telling you, that I shall send you a Comforter, with a capital C. As I become “official,” I, as Holy Spirit, have, as a major role that of Comforter. I also am Teacher and Counselor, but I shall speak this morning mainly as Comforter.

Why do you need a Comforter? Because this earth scene can be a tough, dispiriting one in which to live. Even you, with a life that is about as pleasant and satisfying as this earth offers, still have frustrations, uncertainties, and inadequacies.

Added to these natural challenges in living here in the earth (of which you were aware when you came on in) are My proclamations and admonitions as Almighty God and as Jesus, coming to you in My Holy Scriptures. There are Commandments that are bound to be broken, now and again. There are harsh words from My prophets, trumpeting My displeasure with the conduct of My chosen people, and as you accept a place as one of these, in the present generation, you know that the words are also for you.

As Jesus I told how you should live, in some variety of ways. In My Sermon on the Mount I described living in ways difficult to emulate. I even said, “Be perfect, as I am perfect,” without saying how this would be possible. You try, but, objectively, your success is meager.

Thus, I come as Comforter, the Spirit Who tells you how the seemingly impossible can be accomplished. I emphasize faithfulness and trust. Whatever the consequences, you’re better off with Me than without Me. Have faith in My promises, whatever the present circumstances. Remember the words of old Professor Cowley (who wasn’t much older then than you are now) who said, “If I didn’t think you had promise I wouldn’t have bothered being so critical of your writing.” I may chastise you, but My more important role is Comforter. Faith is necessary for you to realize and accept these seeming opposites.

Your… Our… last Ruminations focused on Both/And thinking as being helpful, even essential, to being a comfortable servant of Mine. I want you to be better… and I want you just as you are. I want you to try harder… and not to try at all. I want you to feel the pain of failure to measure up to what I want of you… and to feel the warmth and comfort of acceptance and forgiveness no matter how you have “screwed up.”

Satisfied as you are with your career, you still sometimes have thoughts of “what if”? You could have written more, but I am pleased with what you did accomplish. You wanted to be outstanding, and I said that wasn’t truly necessary. You wanted to be a better husband to Lenore, and you were only able to be what you could be, with other demands and responsibilities. You would like to have been a better father, but that opportunity is past. You did what you could.

SAT., MAY 22, 1993, 7:05 AM

In days of yore, in your second “tour” at Punahou you had difficulty with the dual role of counselor and disciplinarian. The brief study of the prophet Micah on Wednesday mornings will show this contrast in another way… the prophet’s word of God’s displeasure with His chosen people, and then word of His love and forgiveness. You also remember this as one of the difficulties of parenting… the balance between correcting and accepting.

So, here in the Gospel of John I, as Jesus, tell My disciples, and hence I . . .

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