Spirit As Energy

THURS., JUNE 18, 1998, 7:09 AM

You have no clear, deep understanding of the physical sciences, even as you did well in your early studies of these. You do accept, as at least semi-mystical, that all apparent matter is, finally, energy. This desk, quite a solid piece of wooden furniture, is energy… as such and potentially.

One manifestation of energy is in heat. The sun, a massive source of heat for this small planet, makes life possible here by the warmth it provides, directly and indirectly (through fossil fuels). In your grandchildren’s generation solar energy will be used much more directly and efficiently… including that “relative” of solar energy, wind power.

Aha, you see the connection. Two fundamental sources of energy are heat from the sun and the winds that blow. The sun’s contribution, directly, is rather steady and rather predictable, by seasons and geography. Wind is, in most locales, not steady and rather unpredictable.

And how was I recognized on the Day of Pentecost, when I “officially” became part of the Triune God in the scene called Earth? As swirling wind and tongues of fire. Thus, spiritual energy is a direct analog of physical energy. In terms of physical science this body you inhabit is, finally, energy. The spirit, centered in your immortal soul, is the most basic form of energy, working together with the energy that is your physical self.

Your body can marshal its secretions and interactions to make healing possible… and actual. Therapeutic drugs can be a help in these healing processes, as you assume was true as you overcame this rather troublesome infection. But why is healing necessary? Because the energy of the body may not be sufficient to neutralize or fight off certain organisms that cause infections. The earth scene is competitive, because I made it so. There is competition within each human body… for healthy functioning and for life itself. Your friend Donna is battling a fast-growing cancer… her own cells that have energy… but the energy to kill rather than to heal. Her own healing cells cannot adequately combat this destructive energy. Can certain strong chemicals help to achieve a balance? Will her body continue to live and function? The battle is on in full force.

You should be able to see the comparable spiritual picture. The bodies of some humans are stronger, more functional, more resistant to disease and infection and to various forms of deterioration (of the heart and circulatory system, importantly as an example). The spirits of humans also range in strength. Some have strong, even powerful, spirits, usually joined with me in some way (and I do tell you that the Christian way is the best). A strong spirit can overcome physical weaknesses… and… a strong spirit in a strong body is the best of My creations.

THURS., JUNE 18, 1998, 7:09 AM

You have no clear, deep understanding of the physical sciences, even as you did well in your early studies of these. You do accept, as at least semi-mystical, that all apparent matter is, finally, energy. This desk, quite a solid piece of wooden furniture, is energy… as such and potentially.

One manifestation of energy is in heat. The sun, a massive source of heat for this small planet, makes life possible here by the warmth it provides, directly and indirectly (through fossil fuels). In your grandchildren’s generation solar energy . . .

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