Spirit As Health

SAT., APR. 28, 1984, 6:15 AM

This is a theme toward which I have taught many times, but because you have this task in Minnesota coming up I shall give you an update. Then it also will be proper to study some of the past Teachings, for the main substance for your presentation should come from these.

“Spirit as health” says it rather directly… the ultimate “measure” of a person’s health is the strength and quality of that one’s spirit. Ultimately, of course, this involves the quality of relationship with me, but you shall say this only as an aside. Your task here is to represent your field, giving just enough evidence of your relationship to Me to establish credibility in the hearts of young Christians, but not such a sermon that other young seekers are turned away.

Spirit as health symbolizes another important truth… that this earth plane is not ultimately logical, and that health is not ultimately achieved by working at and developing it directly and purposefully. Rather, as you give less thought to yourself and more to the welfare and good of others your spirit grows and so does your positive health. You too often think of the writing of Ruminations as a task you have to do, rather than seeing it as a service that you are rendering to that fine group of people who now look forward to the enlightenment which may come in any one of the letters. Try to retain this perspective.

In fact, as you view any task that you have as one to do for others or for Me, rather than for yourself, you will be accomplishing much more, and in a healthier way. Yes, despite the current secular wisdom that you must think of yourself, take responsibility for yourself, and develop yourself purposefully in healthy ways, I say that the more you do this the more restricted you will be, and the more you genuinely turn toward others and toward Me the greater will be your capacity to function as a person.

Health, after all, is not some state to accurately measure and savor but is the quality of your doing and being. I am more interested in what you are able to do rather than what rules you follow. Likewise, in spiritual nurture I am more interested in what you do do and how your spirit is involved in what you do than in how much Scripture you know or in what doctrines you believe and tell to others.

Part of your health “plan” is to be an active churchman. This is not necessary for all, but it is for you. You need not be an active, elected leader at this time… yet this may be appropriate later. You shall find ways to give leadership, and I shall guide you. This is as important an aspect of your health as is walking and eating wisely.

Those who have a reasonably developed spirit tend to take better care of themselves, even physically. Even as you realize that this body is a temporary residence for the soul whose life is much longer and more extensive there should be a rather illogical motive to care for it with love. It is a gift, and bodies certainly vary in quality and in durability, but it is the gift you have been given for this portion of the journey. Therefore, take care of it in appreciation.

SAT., APR. 28, 1984, 6:15 AM

This is a theme toward which I have taught many times, but because you have this task in Minnesota coming up I shall give you an update. Then it also will be proper to study some of the past Teachings, for the main substance for your presentation should come from these.

“Spirit as health” says it rather directly… the ultimate “measure” of a person’s health is the strength and quality of that one’s spirit. Ultimately, of course, this involves the quality of relationship with me, but you shall say . . .

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