Spirit As Humorist

NOV. 20, 1981, 5:28 AM

You were dealing with this fascinating issue in your mind yesterday afternoon, but wisely decided to put it aside until I could address Myself to it. Now you are here, o son, on a cold windy morning, open to hear of My relationship to humor and fun. You have two teachings on this already and, eventually and in the future, you shall do a Ruminations on this theme.

I shall make the prime affirmation first: a sense of humor is part of your God-given nature. (It is not just humanly developed or an “affliction of the devil.”) This means, of course, that I have shared some of My nature with you… that I, the Spirit of the Lord God, do have fun and do generate a basic sense of humor. Therefore, this positive capacity in humans to see the funny side of a situation, even when it is visibly grim, is a thing of spirit. Why? Because often to laugh at something is an acceptance of human weakness, which you, personally, may share, and to admit human weakness is to be open to relationship with Me. If there is no human weakness there is no need for God, some would say. And you can now see why some would not attribute humor to Me. The Triune God has no weakness and therefore no need for a sense of humor.

If I were just Creator and solemn Dispenser of Justice I would have no need for a humorous side. But since I have elected to be active in human affairs, I am involved in the life of individuals, families, churches, even nations, and I need this perspective in order to be of true help. (Obviously, I have had such a quality “from the beginning”… it was not something developed hurriedly out of necessity… I was not surprised nor did I have to scurry around and develop a humorous nature. That’s a pretty funny thought in itself.)

Consider this. Mercy, one of My main “qualities”, has a base in My sense of humor. Justice is serious and hard. Mercy says, “You’re reprieved… you’re freed… smile, laugh, clap your hands… hug someone… Mercy is “dispensed” best with a smile.

Now, you do have the right to ask the question, “If what I have just said to you is correct, why isn’t it clearly stated and illustrated in the Scriptures?” I just have to repeat what I told you previously. When the Scriptures were written and assembled the strongest concern was that I be taken seriously. This quality could have been seen as a weakness, and so it definitely was not emphasized… in the Lord God or in the Son, Jesus, the Christ.

Hear this rough analogy. When you began your professional career, particularly as a writer, you wrote in a straight and serious style. When you had reached a certain stature you could write with more humor, and it was accepted, because you had a “right” to speak forth in a more holistic way. Bill Carlyon has done it best in your profession. But you did it early with “Warriors…”

NOV. 20, 1981, 5:28 AM

You were dealing with this fascinating issue in your mind yesterday afternoon, but wisely decided to put it aside until I could address Myself to it. Now you are here, o son, on a cold windy morning, open to hear of My relationship to humor and fun. You have two teachings on this already and, eventually and in the future, you shall do a Ruminations on this theme.

I shall make the prime affirmation first: a sense of humor is part of your God-given nature. (It is not just humanly developed . . .

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