Spirit As Prevention

SAT., JULY 1, 1989, 6:15 AM

Health education is your professional field, and I have encouraged you to approach this in a very positive way. The next level “down” from this positive approach is prevention… of some, or any, condition that could reduce your healthy functioning or actually shorten your earth life. There are many physical means of prevention. This rainy morning I shall tell you about spirit as a means of prevention.

When, as Almighty Creator God I designed the human person I certainly knew what the natural threats to health and life would be. I could also foresee many of the modern developments that shorten life. I could not devise means to protect each individual human against any and every threat. Part of the natural life process was to be death, and for humankind in general this was to include some who succumbed early in life. The cause of earth death would change and vary over the years and in different climes and cultures, but everyone would not live long and healthy lives.

I had to include means of protection and recuperation. The immune system is obviously an important protective means. With it functioning well you do not develop diseases and infections for which your harbor the organisms. Also certain cancers and other conditions do not develop because of certain action of this immune system on irritating substances.

The body has healing powers. Your body is in an obvious healing process now, recovering from a minor surgery. There is no pain and no obvious infection, and your body is healing… doing what the stitches only assist. Healing is a form of prevention. Something occurred. It could get worse. Healing is the prevention of this “worse” and the restoration of normal to superior functioning.

So the human body has means of prevention and of healing. But then came the human spirit as a powerful adjunct to these other means. Part of the spirit’s “function” in a body is to help prevent and heal. You have a good, basically healthy body, and you have suffered little because many threats have been thwarted. As your spirit has developed your capacities to stay well have increased.

Can spirit actually overcome cancer and heart or circulatory deterioration? It surely can. Many cancers simply do not develop because of spirit, and, conversely, some do grow and become threatening because the preventive power of spirit is not sufficient. Hearts that are rather severely damaged can still function normally if spirit is strong. You had a personal experience with pain and healing in which you gave spirit credit for preventing and enhancing. I tell you you were right in so attributing.

My recommendation is to live life fully, with minimal concern for the threats which you recognize. Eat as you know you should most of the time. Continue to build exercise into your everyday life. But keep your mind and spirit on “the heights.” Live positively. Let Me energize your spirit, encouraging tis growth. Give of your substance to causes that touch your spirit. Have some concern about retirement, but do not concentrate upon accumulating wealth.

If your spirit is not sufficient, and eventually it will not be, enter into a time of bodily ill-health as positively as possible. Continue to do as much as you can for others, focusing on Me and on the needy world more than on yourself. And you will have maximum powers, considering the problem that will be developing.

The threat of losing your Farm now seems past. Was spirit part of that result? Always assume that it is. Live here as long as it is comfortable and “right” for you to do so. Let your spirit guide you in what you shall do to maintain the health of this place. Just assume I still want this for you.

SAT., JULY 1, 1989, 6:15 AM

Health education is your professional field, and I have encouraged you to approach this in a very positive way. The next level “down” from this positive approach is prevention… of some, or any, condition that could reduce your healthy functioning or actually shorten your earth life. There are many physical means of prevention. This rainy morning I shall tell you about spirit as a means of prevention.

When, as Almighty Creator God I designed the human person I certainly knew what the natural threats to health and life would be. I . . .

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