Spirit As Teacher

MON., MAY 27, 1985, 6:55 AM

Yesterday was your birthday, and, in one sense, it was also Mine. It was the celebration of Pentecost, and this can be remembered as the commencement of My active role as Teacher, following My Ministry as Jesus. As Jesus I was a teacher in the best sense of that task/opportunity, and I wanted that to continue, even as I moved on to other realms. So, dramatically, I came to erase the barrier of language… to bring people together who would not otherwise relate.

That is what you were able to do in your summer class just concluded, and you were able to do it only with My help. You didn’t acknowledge Me as your co-Teacher, but you must as the next opportunity comes along in July. True teaching involves conducting a class or group in a way that involves the spirits of each participant in ways that develops a spirit within the group that can be perceived by some, at least. You have the capacity to do this, and I recommission you to try to accomplish this in every group you lead.

The class yesterday was, in a way, a gift from Me. I brought that group together to learn from that fine lesson I had given to you in years back. The result was even better than I anticipated, and you were a part of that success. (Please pay attention. Even I cannot be the perfect Teacher if you won’t give this your full attention. Do unto others…)

As I have told you before, your main task for the rest of your active career is this one of bringing forth spirit as a part of the teaching/learning process. You know many ways to do this, and I shall show you approaches beyond what you already have. You see, as people are relating to each other in ways that exhibit spirit they become more receptive to the learning, even that which is mundane and aspiritual. Learning involves a giving of self, and when one has been encouraged to do this, as an exercise in spirit, it makes other learning easier and more probably. So while you may think that certain activities are of the “Mickey Mouse” type, as they bring people to know one another and care for one another, they are ultimate enhancers of learning.

I also urge you to continue to develop and try variations on what you have done, and to do again approaches that have not seemed successful. You felt that your song presentation did not go well last week… and it was not a howling success… but you must not give up that unique way of urging understanding. It may only touch some, but for these it can be a memorable learning experience. Chuck those thoughts of putting your songs away. Do it as a gift to Me, and let Me be responsible for the consequences.

The role playing lesson went well, and you should have arranged the second one, as well. Do not hesitate to use this approach in July, but be certain that it is well organized and conducted with plenty of spirit. This is a good way for group members to relate. You are still too reluctant to arrange this and use it for learning. I say, “Do so”, with new variations. Use your imagination… and My ever available help.

MON., MAY 27, 1985, 6:55 AM

Yesterday was your birthday, and, in one sense, it was also Mine. It was the celebration of Pentecost, and this can be remembered as the commencement of My active role as Teacher, following My Ministry as Jesus. As Jesus I was a teacher in the best sense of that task/opportunity, and I wanted that to continue, even as I moved on to other realms. So, dramatically, I came to erase the barrier of language… to bring people together who would not otherwise relate.

That is what you were able to . . .

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