Spirit As Yeast

SUN., FEB. 21, 1988, 6:19 AM

Spirit definitely has a yeasty quality, and you need some insights such as this as you prepare for opportunities to talk about this aspect of life. I am pleased that you have started these preparations. In one sense you need make no preparations, but in another you must have as much available for use as possible.

Yeast is an enabler. It is a strange, small plant that can bring forth reactions in food and in beverages that are basically desirable. Without yeast the ingredients that would make a loaf of fine bread cling together and produce a thin, hard, dense “loaf”. It is nutritious, but it is not the loaf those same ingredients could be with just a bit of yeast.

You have brewed this beer-like beverage for many years now, so the process is quite familiar. You mix the water, the sugar, and the malt syrup at the right temperature, and then, with a prayer, you sprinkle a package or two of yeast on top. Without the yeast the ingredients remain as a sweet, bland mixture. With the yeast there is an initial foaming and then a continuing carbonation. When you bottle at the right time the drink has a live, sparkling taste and a nice, mellow effect.

Do you suppose I can make a case for spirit being a yeast-like ingredient in human life here in the earth? Expect such an analogous exposition as you transcribe My thoughts and observations.

It is possible that there are humans in the earth who have no spirit. The conception and growth processes are natural ones, established by Me, but now functioning quite well. (In fact, the process functions too well at the moment, but balances will be restored.) Occasionally I am involved in the conception process, though never as directly as in the conception of Jesus. But a child can be conceived and the pregnancy proceed normally without any assistance from Me.

Now I am involved with the infusion of spirit into the developing creation. Some spirits enter early and are part of the fetal development. When babies survive against considerable odds it usually is because spirit is already functioning in the infant. When babies die of no apparent cause it usually is because spirit is not present or is insufficient. So, you see that it is possible for there to be humans who have no spirit… only body, mind, and emotions. They then become the human equivalents of unleavened bread and flat beer. I shall say no more about whether this is actually so. I’ll just let you speculate.

There are different “qualities” of yeast, and differing amounts may be added. With spirits it is comparable. Some spirits are new, some are older, but not well developed… and then there are some that are highly developed and quite powerful in their yeast-like effects in the human of which each is a part.

There are many realms in which spirits function and grow, as spirits. Some are in the earth in just spirit form. So it is a unique experience for a spirit to be in a human in the quite tangible (apparently) earth. The special task is to unify that body, mind, and emotions so this human functions well socially, with others, and respects and acts as a steward toward the earth and its necessary panorama of other life forms.

The most mature spirits become one with the person of which they are a part, even as they know it shall not be “for long.” Spirit helps the body function in its many ways, including the growth and healing processes. Spirit works with the mind, encouraging useful and appropriate learning. It enhances natural tendencies to love and feel compassion, and it works against fear, anger, depression, and other less positive emotions.

SUN., FEB. 21, 1988, 6:19 AM

Spirit definitely has a yeasty quality, and you need some insights such as this as you prepare for opportunities to talk about this aspect of life. I am pleased that you have started these preparations. In one sense you need make no preparations, but in another you must have as much available for use as possible.

Yeast is an enabler. It is a strange, small plant that can bring forth reactions in food and in beverages that are basically desirable. Without yeast the ingredients that would make a loaf of fine . . .

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