Spirit In A Group

FRI., AUG. 14, 1992, 5:59 AM

The Ruminations Letter for this season has begun, and the theme of spiritual health is an important one. This cool morning, o son, let Me help you see how spirit is both manifested and developed in groups and group activity.

Last evening you spent time with a small group, people with whom you now feel quite comfortable. The purpose has been to help those who have had someone close to them, in most cases a spouse, commit suicide. This is an experience that surely tests the spirit, and thus it is quite appropriate to organize as a spiritual group, meeting in the church. Spirit has been displayed, which creates the atmosphere for spiritual growth… even as this aspect has not be identified in actual words.

As a group like this meets together, and several of you are active, committed Christians… lovers of God, followers of Jesus, the Christ, and eager recipients of My help, as Holy Spirit… it is natural that spirit is part of this process. For some, those with the actual suicide experience, spirit is important to the healing process. Also, while the spirit is a part of overall health or wellness it also has a unique, individual identity. Just as I am, on the one hand, an indissoluble, indivisible aspect of the Triune God, I also am the Holy Spirit, with identity separate from Father God and Jesus, the Son, who was crucified and resurrected.

The analogy follows: spirit is a dimension of your health, but also spirit is that unique aspect of you that continues life after the body has died and the mind no longer functions. And, of course, I have told you that your spirit has had a number of living experiences before this manifestation as Bob Russell. So in a sense your spirit has a “health of its own”, which it contributes to the health of the multi-dimensional Bob Russell. I have told you and I have demonstrated that as your spirit manifests itself in a healthy fashion the functioning of your body improves. You have experienced this with both legs and feet, but you also are experiencing it in relation to other threats to your health, of which you are not aware.

You have been an active part of this group, and your spirit has been vital to the spirit of the group. Yet you have not shared some of your own experiences, particularly the phone call from Matthew, that could help identify you as “one of them” as well as a “helper” and facilitator. You are well accepted now. This disclosure would add another dimension.

The other contribution you should make is in identifying, for the group, the place of spirit in what happens on a Thursday evening. If that seems acceptable and accepted you could explore their perceptions and feelings about the spirits of those who have taken their own lives. You’ll have to be cautious with this, but I and your spirit will guide the talking, interacting you.

FRI., AUG. 14, 1992, 5:59 AM

The Ruminations Letter for this season has begun, and the theme of spiritual health is an important one. This cool morning, o son, let Me help you see how spirit is both manifested and developed in groups and group activity.

Last evening you spent time with a small group, people with whom you now feel quite comfortable. The purpose has been to help those who have had someone close to them, in most cases a spouse, commit suicide. This is an experience that surely tests the spirit, and thus it is . . .

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