Spirit In A Natural Place

SAT., DEC. 21, 1985, 6:51 AM

Yes, o son, this is a natural place, and you have heeded My call and come at this pre-sunrise time to this hilltop to join hands and mind and spirit with the Spirit, Who is Holy. It is an unusual setting for the teaching/learning process, and it shall be uncomfortable before the Teaching has been completed, but persist. You are certainly not too old for novel, uncomfortable experiences.

This is a “combination” setting. Where you are sitting is quite like it would be if no humans lived in this vicinity. Yet you look up and see roads, expensive houses, the lights of cars moving, the sound of a train, and the background noise of a city of people starting a day in mechanized civilization. It is a mix, and I am firmly in both. I am the Spirit of quiet, natural places, but I have infinite powers of adaptation… and am also the Spirit of noisy, clanging scenes of activity. I am in the midst of the commercialism of this Christmas season, even as My birth as Jesus was not ostentatious and commercial. I regret the money spent on expensive items as humans are without even the necessities of life. And yet I see many of those who do the selling of these luxuries appreciating the money they earn thereby and using it responsibly and lovingly. It is a complicated world that I have created.

For even as My Scriptures seem to favor the “black and white”… the either/or… I recognize the reality of people who participate in activities of which I do not approve and yet who sacrifice, do for others, and serve in ways that “warm My heart.” Even as I railed at My chosen people, the Jews, for their unfaithfulness I loved their eventual faith and their desire to follow My Law and laws. Each of you is both saint and sinner. The proportions are different in individuals and in any one in different circumstances, but you always need My grace however good you may be. And you always have My grace, no matter how wayward you may be.

As you started your walk with Me this morning you strode down the road. Then you took off across the natural terrain… then along a less traveled road… and finally to this spot on the hilltop. You sat down in a place of your choosing… or did I guide you to it? You have awaited the sunrise as you wrote, and when it finally came you saw the first light shining perfectly through a natural notch in the hill yonder. All of this symbolizes that, with your hand in Mine, you may move off the well-traveled path at times, and as you learn from Me you are in exactly the right place for the fullness of My light. Now isn’t that a dilly of a symbol!

You shall have many opportunities on this trip, and you shall realize only a few. I would have you do better, but I must start from where you are, and help you grow in ways that can be sustained. Regret opportunities missed, but always look ahead for ones that lie just ahead. I am continually renewed opportunity.

The early winter sun warms you, even as it cannot do this at your home and in many other parts of this earth today. You accept the opportunity to be warmed, even as some, even in this vicinity, do not. The sun gives light, and you appreciate and utilize it. Some sleep on in darkened rooms, keeping out this early morning light. So it is with the light that is Spirit. I am the warmth and the light. Utilize Me from early morn to the time of natural darkness. Do not stay in the dark when the light is so warm, pleasant, and useful.

SAT., DEC. 21, 1985, 6:51 AM

Yes, o son, this is a natural place, and you have heeded My call and come at this pre-sunrise time to this hilltop to join hands and mind and spirit with the Spirit, Who is Holy. It is an unusual setting for the teaching/learning process, and it shall be uncomfortable before the Teaching has been completed, but persist. You are certainly not too old for novel, uncomfortable experiences.

This is a “combination” setting. Where you are sitting is quite like it would be if no humans lived in this . . .

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