Spirit In Human Activity

WED., AUG. 21, 1991, 6:00 AM

As your classes commence you are explaining the spiritual dimension to health to these students, most of whom have not heard this before. You do it adequately, but on this beautiful late summer morning let this Teaching be of assistance in this important task. For some it is the first time they have heard this dimension described. Therefore you should avail yourself of My words.

Since the essence of each human is an immortal soul, which is also the spirit of that person, there is sure to be spirit in human activity. And when I intervene in human activity, through certain persons, the spirit involved naturally increases. This has been true since I laid My hand upon creatures, transforming them into humans with spirits that would be immortal, not being limited to just earth life. It is certainly true in the Bible story, and it is true this very day.

The first human story in the Bible illustrates the conflict which often is evident in human relations. Adam and Eve were the first recipients of spirit, as the story is told. This put them into relationship with Me, but also with one another. Presumably they lived comfortably and innocently in the Garden, in relationship with one another and with Me, as Almighty God. Then I had to put those relationships to a test. I arranged the temptation of Eve. Then Adam had to choose: to maintain the relationship with Eve or adhere to what I had proclaimed. He chose, as he should have, to maintain the spiritual bond with his mate. And thus, in that important myth, the human race began, choosing human relationship over complete obedience to Me. And hear again, o son, that this is what I really wanted.

When the unit of an army goes off to war they go against My admonition not to kill, but they do it for love of country and out of loyalty and commitment to those in their unit. In a less savory example street gangs commit brutalities and murders out of a spirit of being part of that gang, which has a strong spiritual component. In a milder sense, the spirit in an athletic team is fanned when competition with another team is fierce… and often the more spirited team does triumph.

In good marriages, such as yours, the spirits of husband and wife truly intertwine. In one real sense each remains separate, but in another real sense they do become one. In marriages that fail it is most often the spirits that move away from one another. Most kinds of “troubles” can be dealt with if spirits remain intertwined. When they “come apart” every problem becomes more serious, and the relationship cannot be sustained for long.

In your class last evening you saw first a strange group of people sitting at desks, paying attention to you. For many classes this is their only mode. But you divided yours into groups, and then, with an intellectual task to accomplish, spirit became more evident as they interacted within the groups. The editorial group has a more important task, one that shall require more spirit as they work together to produce their “issue.”

You shall give time to Don’s paper this morning because you respond to the spirit in this eager young man. And the spiritual relationships you have enjoyed with other individual graduate students still remain, even as the active phase is past. Your Ruminations is the chief means by which you keep some of these relationships somewhat active. And you realize that some you let go fallow by not writing and, particularly, by not responding to letters and notes that come, with spirit… Henri is a good example.

WED., AUG. 21, 1991, 6:00 AM

As your classes commence you are explaining the spiritual dimension to health to these students, most of whom have not heard this before. You do it adequately, but on this beautiful late summer morning let this Teaching be of assistance in this important task. For some it is the first time they have heard this dimension described. Therefore you should avail yourself of My words.

Since the essence of each human is an immortal soul, which is also the spirit of that person, there is sure to be spirit in human . . .

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