Spirit In Sounds

THURS., AUG. 16, 1984, 6:08 AM

You know, from My telling you, o son, that spirit is the essence of life and that is abounds where there is evidence of life, even the many forms that make up this living planet, earth. I shall speak this morning of sounds and the ways in which this medium communicates spirit.

The initial sound that was in your ears as you started this Teaching theme was the barking of a hound, following a scent. The sound was not exactly that usually made by your small dog, but the evidence of spirit was like unto his. It is the sound that accompanies a still strong instinct… to hunt and thus provide for self the food that sustains life. You are part of a civilized people, and both culturally and spiritually you and most of your American comrades take seriously the admonition, “Do not kill.” But I say that fundamentally killing is necessary for the sustenance of life, necessary for the development of spirit here in the carnate earth.

This is a bit of a digression from sounds, but it points to the truth that a hunting sound is one pleasing to Me, for it is fundamental to the operation of this earth.

You hear the unpleasant sound of trucks rolling by on the highway, and you know these indirectly represent spirit, but it is not a sound that kindles your spirit positively. You know they are necessary to your economy, but your spirit does not love truck noises. This is a sound that must be “overcome” by spirit… a challenge to spirit.

You think of the sounds of music, and in this realm there is the contrast that you would, by this time, expect. Some musical sounds do spark your spirit, certainly, but in a variety of ways. Other musical sounds seem to have no spiritual effect, and yet others are the equivalent to the truck sounds, causing a troubling of spirit. And you know that musical sounds are not perceived by each to be the same – spirit responds, and each spirit is different and has a different environmental heritage.

You know and like the non-Scriptural story of My playing an instrument and singing after the Last Supper. Yet you suspect we did not sing hymns familiar to you and that the sounds we made might not truly elevate your spirit. The Scriptures do not tell this story… do not focus on My being, as Jesus, a singer of songs… a maker of musical sounds. That is an unfortunate omission. My servant David is portrayed as one who sang to My glory. Should not I have sung when I had the opportunity here in the earth? It is hard to think that the Lord God Incarnate could not and would not send forth beautiful sounds, the evidence of spirit that I tell you music can be.

You hear the sounds of birds, other small creatures of Mine who are part of My earth plan. Their sounds are not always melodious, but they are evidences of life. You are suddenly aware that you have not heard your rooster crow, a sound that is not beautiful, but which is a sound of life. It is troubling to your spirit that this evidence of continuing life is absent, and you strain to hear it… so that the silence almost becomes a sound.

THURS., AUG. 16, 1984, 6:08 AM

You know, from My telling you, o son, that spirit is the essence of life and that is abounds where there is evidence of life, even the many forms that make up this living planet, earth. I shall speak this morning of sounds and the ways in which this medium communicates spirit.

The initial sound that was in your ears as you started this Teaching theme was the barking of a hound, following a scent. The sound was not exactly that usually made by your small dog, but the evidence of . . .

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