Spirit In Teaching

JUNE 14, 1981, 5:35 AM

Your visiting time is past and now, o son, you are in the midst of your first teaching task… with more to come. So let us talk again about the spirit that should be in teaching. The teaching/learning experience can be one of just mental and physical dimensions, but it should be an holistic venture, coordinated and guided by the spirit. And that spirit guides best when it is linked closely to My Spirit.

“Spirit in teaching” means involving the spirits of those who come to learn as well as their minds. As you organized them yesterday to interview one another, to work in small groups, and to read one another’s writing you were opening up the possibility of spirits interacting. As you organize this day and the sessions up in Oregon keep this as an important guideline.

You as the teacher present the model. As you give examples include the spirit as one of the natural dimensions of health. This morning, for example, you hear how you could present spiritual functioning as a way of understanding the adaptation continuum. This introduces the concept and encourages others to use it in their sharing of learning.

The main aspect of the model, however, is your own spirit as it reaches out to these kids, considers them as honorable and responsible, and seeks interaction at a very human/spiritual level. There may be disappointments, but the spirit always is in favor of another chance. Give Ray Smith another chance. Everybody needs a Barnabas. When your spirit reflects My Spirit it is full of grace for others. It never lets the learner’s mistakes and shortcomings from the past stand in the way of opportunities to do better. Whatever has been done is forgiven. Each session is a new opportunity.

Oh, yes, this must be balanced, in practice, with the justice that comes from the mental and social aspects of being. If a person acts irresponsibly he or she must bear the consequences, but often these consequences become ends in themselves and retard the learning process. For learning, there must always be the feeling that there is “another chance”.

I shall do a new “thing” this day, since you seem anxious to be on your way. Ponder what I have said thus far. Read it over before the class and again at noon. Then return to Me on the plane going to Portland and I shall give you more insights that you can use and pass on to those who come to learn from you.

Spend this holy day in a holy way.

6:18 AM


As you look out at the Western horizon, all warm and red, you are flying to a new opportunity. It was dumb of you to make a mistake in relation to your flight, but you have criticized yourself enough. You shall get there in time to do that for which you are prepared, surely.

Let us go on with spirit in teaching. Your day today was good. You have started this class in an excellent spirit. There shall be some fine learning as these weeks proceed. Keep them interacting in each segment of the class. Make them aware that this develops spirits. Be non-secretive about this. Take time for supper. Then resume.

You look ahead, o son, to the sessions at Seaside, but do not know really what to expect. Know that many, in each group, shall be open to comments about the spirit. Use these artfully. Seek My direction. These shall not be difficult sessions, but do not forget, as you did this weekend, to dedicate them to Me. This imparts a special quality, attainable no other way.

This just has not been as productive as it might have been. There was good intent on your part and Mine, but no great results. Come again when you are not as rushed and harried. Address the rest of the Ruminations. That shall be a worthy response.

Keep the spirit foremost.

9:48 PM