Spirit In The Earth

SAT., JUNE 14, 1990, 6:31 AM

Tomorrow morning you shall have the opportunity of addressing the Adult Class at the Methodist Church concerning the environment. You shall squeeze together your three lectures for the Survival class, with more emphasis on spirit and on Almighty God’s creative and sustaining powers. So, you are not surprised that I am offering you some additional insights toward this spiritual emphasis.

Be sure and take a few minutes to introduce yourself, telling how your present perspective developed. You needn’t tell about Our relationship, even though it is important to the perspective. As a group these folks would not be “safe.” Too bad.

Basically, as Almighty God I created this planet Earth as a special, odd realm for the development of spirits. I created a particular sun, and I put this relatively small orb in a path around this sun appropriate to sustaining the various forms of life I would create. And with My creation came spirit. The Earth has a spirit because I created it.

I then started the creation of obviously living things. Yet you must realize that the elements necessary for life were present in My original creation. I just had to combine them in new ways. Plant life could not exist and thrive without the sun’s energy, fresh water, and soil minerals. With plants came the oxygen – carbon dioxide cycle, making human life possible. The human body would need light, oxygen, water and also food in order to survive. Therefore I had to provide food sources, both vegetable and animal, for the survival of humankind. As I created all of this, in timelessness, I imbued it all with spirit.

There is evidence that all of this developed over eons of time. If there would have been time it would have been so. When scientists try to apply time to My creation it appears to have been a slow process. I’ll just say it all had to work together in incredibly complex ways, and these had to work out over what would be great lengths of time. In timelessness this is of no consequence.

These symbiotic relationships, as they developed, also became spirit-filled. As the hymn writer pointed out, “This is My Father’s world, and to my listening ears all nature sings and round me rings, the music of the spheres.” If you become aware of it nature does sing, for there is spirit in this creation, and music is an expression of spirit. You are beginning to recognize and acknowledge spirit in these relationships. Killing and dressing a rabbit is a spiritual experience, even as it is just a way of obtaining food. You should have acknowledged spirit in the coming of this new life in the pasture more than you did.

Some human cultures, past and present, are more able to recognize spirit in the earth and its processes than others. It is interesting, and sad, that your culture, with a strong base in Christianity, has generally identified this concept of spirit in the earth with paganism. Instead, you have an uneasy alliance between My favorite religion and humanistic science and technology, whose premises include nothing about spirit.

Most orthodox Christians assume that spirit is only in humans. I tell you that spirit is part of all that I have created and allowed to develop. In humans spirit is most highly developed and most evident, but even in this prime species there is a tremendous range. Be not afraid to recognize spirit in all of the natural processes of life. Blessing food truly makes it more wholesome and more useful. This could not be proven, but neither could it be disproven. Even scientific study is better and more productive when spirit is acknowledged… in people, in animals, plants, and even equipment.

SAT., JUNE 14, 1990, 6:31 AM

Tomorrow morning you shall have the opportunity of addressing the Adult Class at the Methodist Church concerning the environment. You shall squeeze together your three lectures for the Survival class, with more emphasis on spirit and on Almighty God’s creative and sustaining powers. So, you are not surprised that I am offering you some additional insights toward this spiritual emphasis.

Be sure and take a few minutes to introduce yourself, telling how your present perspective developed. You needn’t tell about Our relationship, even though it is important to the . . .

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