Spirit In The Mirror

MON., JULY 11, 1988, 5:54 AM

After now years of receiving Teachings from Me, the Holy Spirit, you have a rather good picture of what I am like, at least in relations with yourself. You must know that the knowledge you have is always fragmentary. No human can ever be aware of more than a bit of what I Am. For I am one of the “natures” of the One True, Almighty God. Therefore, by definition, I am unknowable.

At the same time… the essence of you is spirit, and that spirit is, originally, a part of Me. Therefore, another truth, not negated by the former one, is that you are a sort of mirror. When you discern your spirit, in an imperfect but real way, you are discerning Me. Some religions, even some Christians, would deny this as blasphemous, wanting to see Me as Holy & Wholly Other, seeing My Holiness as incompatible with the sin and weakness of human persons. Other religions and what would be called liberal Christian theology are quite comfortable with the notion of any individual as a mirror of the Spirit.

“See the face of Christ in the faces of those in any kind of need” is an evidence of this view. “Christ in you, the hope of glory” is another. When you can truly feel, within you, the spirit that is Mine,
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your spirit is developing properly. Know, of course, that this is a facet of truth, which always stands as a complement to the truth that I am beyond knowing… that all you know is imperfect and therefore not true.

Your eyes are important physical “organs.” Much of what you know and learn has come and will continue to come by way of your eyes. Your glasses are a technological convenience that help keep your eyes functional. And yet your eyes cannot see your eyes, except in a mirror. Do your eyes truly look like they look as you see them in a mirror? You are seeing a reflection, not the true eye. The mirror may be imperfect, but it is the best you have to know about that which you cannot see.

Your spirit is like unto a mirror of My Spirit. When you felt little anger and discomfort and were actually able to enjoy the very early morning adventure of getting your cows back in the pasture your spirit was mirroring Mine. When you feel some resentment when children require some of your time you are not mirroring Me. The more you can be aware of My influence and can ignore the aspects of yourself and of others that are unkind, unloving, and self-serving you shall see Me more clearly, as in a mirror.

Yes, you may postpone this last page for some experience that will illuminate the truth.

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It still is difficult or you to keep the mirror in view. So much of life could be seen as spiritual adventure instead of just chores or tasks to accomplish. These two little boys are your charges for a time, and yet you haven’t fully appreciated this as a spiritual experience, even as you have participating well. I keep holding the mirror up, and you keep looking elsewhere.

I know that you yearn for time to read, ponder, and then interpret. I know you shall be in close touch with Me as you finally reach this time of lessened active responsibility. I shall guide you in such a way that you will not be able to assert that any words you write are yours alone. This is one expression of the major goal of life – to be in such continuous relationship with Me that your spirit mirrors Mine, and you become increasingly more appreciative of the way spirit and Spirit permeate life.

MON., JULY 11, 1988, 5:54 AM

After now years of receiving Teachings from Me, the Holy Spirit, you have a rather good picture of what I am like, at least in relations with yourself. You must know that the knowledge you have is always fragmentary. No human can ever be aware of more than a bit of what I Am. For I am one of the “natures” of the One True, Almighty God. Therefore, by definition, I am unknowable.

At the same time… the essence of you is spirit, and that spirit is, originally, a part of . . .

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