Spirit In The Wind

FRI., NOV. 12, 1982, 11:36

You sit here at midday, o son, watching the trees move and hearing the sounds of the wind. The title I offered suggests that there may some aspect of spirit in that wind… or in that fire just kindled. How do I develop this?

First, My Spirit, I, the Holy Spirit, only come to humans, My greatest creation. So, in this sense, I say no to the concept of a pantheistic view of life, wherein My Spirit is spread far and wide and has no particular ministry to humans. Having said that, let Me also say no to the notion that there is no spirit in the wind, in the fire… in most of the phenomena, artifacts, and creatures here in the earth. This is not easy to explain to you, but you are open to any of My explanations, and so I shall give it a try.

Remember what I have told you in past teachings… there is a spirit in places, partly inherent, partly a reflection of the spirits of the “inhabitants”, and partly from the spirit of the activity in the place. So, this Farm has a spirit inherent in the very land, trees, and structures. This is enhanced by the spirit of past events… Peter’s burial, the two weddings, the births, the wonderful parties, classes, planting, tending, harvesting… many diverse events. This is intensified and felt more by you as you add your spirit and “tune in” to other aspects of spirit. Finally, as you engage in some spirited activity there is a further intensification and chance for perception of spirit. You and Lenore planted trees last weekend, which is definitely a spiritual act, for you are serving as co-creators with Me of future substance and beauty.

Now, apply all of this back to the wind. It is perfectly legitimate to argue that the wind is purely a solar and atmospheric phenomenon. Wind can be explained in climatological terms… or can it? I created the conditions for the wind. Can I create something and leave it to be without some of the essence of Me… spirit? I can, but I need not. So wind has a subtle spirit, and some winds have a much more obvious one. Some who are attuned to this manifestation of spirit can sense it, often and easily. Thus, the spirit of the person which can tune in to the spirit potential in the wind can feel and experience it more readily. Then, certain activities assist even more.

Last evening you rode your bike against the wind, early and late. You did not feel any particular hardship in this, and it was just “nicely difficult”… but you really could have felt the spirit there, if you had been receptive. Listening to the wind, as you are inside and warm, is another potentially spiritual experience. The wind in the pines in Peter’s Park shall increasingly bring spiritual feelings beyond that of the place.

If the wind should be destructive, such as its force in breaking your kitchen door, then it is more difficult to see it as spirit, truly. But, then, perhaps that is you, wanting to feel spirit only in the pleasant and helpful.

FRI., NOV. 12, 1982, 11:36

You sit here at midday, o son, watching the trees move and hearing the sounds of the wind. The title I offered suggests that there may some aspect of spirit in that wind… or in that fire just kindled. How do I develop this?

First, My Spirit, I, the Holy Spirit, only come to humans, My greatest creation. So, in this sense, I say no to the concept of a pantheistic view of life, wherein My Spirit is spread far and wide and has no particular ministry to humans. Having said that . . .

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