Spirit In Visiting

THURS., APR. 19, 1990, 2:29 PM

You were perceptive in seeing that it would be well for you to hear Me first, before deciding what to say in the few minutes you shall have this evening. This is not your normal place nor time, but you trust that I am here, and that you, in listening, do hear. This is not an important presentation, but it is a good topic for you to consider.

Visiting with another person or persons always has some social quality to it, by definition. Relating to another is always socializing, to some extent. There may be other dimensions to the interaction also, but I shall speak mainly of the spiritual. The spirit in a visit can range from very minimal and occasional to very dominant. The highest quality and quantity of spirit is exhibited when both the visitor and the one being visited naturally project spirit into their time together. Moving from this ideal state there are examples of unbalance in spirit between the visitors.

Spirit can be exhibited in actions and in words, and these can be planned, even rehearsed, and worked on… or can be rather unplanned and natural. The visits I like best, of course, are ones where I am mentioned, in any of My “forms,” and where there is mutual acceptance that all spirit finally comes from and is related to Me. Yet I do not limit Myself to such ideal, desirable interactions. I am wherever I am invited, however informally, and often I am in the midst of those not so invitational, helping as I can.

Visits can be as between relative equals, or can involve some differences in status. An acknowledged clergy person may have an easier or a harder time relating as a visitor. If the one being visited feels inferior to the visitor, and that one, in direct or subtle ways, encourages this, the spiritual quality may be low, despite attempts by the clergy to “be spiritual.” For example, prayer as part of a visit may range from simple or helpful to pretentious and self-serving. Praying together may be good. Silent prayers may be more appropriate.

The environment in which a visit takes place can have an effect on the spiritual nature of the visit. In your home you have Me, as Jesus, pictured and represented in various ways. You also show a magnificent seascape, which can be a spiritual stimulus to some. Others may relate more to the representation of the Creation… or to your choice of books… to the large, inviting table… or to the trees surrounding the house. So, each place of visitation may encourage or discourage this spiritual dimension to the personal interchange.

For a devoted non-smoker, a visit with a smoker may be hard to recognize as spiritual. In some cases when an alcoholic beverage is offered as part of the visit a spiritual quality is enhanced; in other instance such an offer may be perceived as anti-spiritual.

When those who are visiting are, as part of the visit, working on something together, there can be a show of spirit. Telling a story, particularly one involving personal involvement, reciting a poem or some memorized bit of advice, or leaving something for the one visited to read later all can be means of enhancing spirit.

There is no direct relationship between the length of a visit and its spiritual quality. Some visits need to be long, while others can be unnecessarily lengthy. Conversely, some short visits can be inspirational, while other can have no effect at all. Your spirit, when well developed, is the best means of determining the right length for a visit.

A visit always offers some opportunity for either party to talk about his or her faith. Again, spirit is your best determiner of whether and how much spiritual experiences should be described. You are not very good at this yet, but you improve slowly. Appreciate those who visit you who have spiritual stories to tell… even if you do not relate well to the story. There are some dangers in telling a spiritual story, especially as it involved Me in some “non-orthodox” way… and yet also know that taking such a risk may lead to the best visit possible.

THURS., APR. 19, 1990, 2:29 PM

You were perceptive in seeing that it would be well for you to hear Me first, before deciding what to say in the few minutes you shall have this evening. This is not your normal place nor time, but you trust that I am here, and that you, in listening, do hear. This is not an important presentation, but it is a good topic for you to consider.

Visiting with another person or persons always has some social quality to it, by definition. Relating to another is always socializing . . .

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