Spirit IS

SUN., NOV. 22, 1992,7:48 AM

The drive across this part of the country was easy and blessed, and the visit here has renewed a good, spiritual friendship. Spirit is the essence of all life, and this certainly is so in relation to humans. Bodily life in the earth is a powerful deterrent to this realization, and while some see through this rather well others accept its reality too fully and waste many opportunities.

You shall miss the spiritual gathering of people in your familiar church this day, but you shall have an opportunity to experience the equivalent in another Presbyterian congregation. Be aware of ways in which spirit is evident in the service and in the interactions with people… and do what you can to add to the spirit. You have more capacity than you often display. Spirit feeds on spirit. Add some, and more comes forth.

This is a fine family, one that I have blessed in some unique ways. David practices his art in medicine in ways of which I approve. Yet he is not as free to include the spirit in diagnoses and treatment as he could be. It is “safer” to stay closer to the physical/mental medical model, but more true to treating the whole person when the spirit is acknowledged, not just as a dimension of being and of health (and ill health), but as the potential unifying dimension. Be sure and show him Our diagram of this concept. I do merit some credit for that.

Any visit such as this is an opportunity to reflect on the reality of spirit and the various ways in which it is manifested. You miss the spirit of your little dog, but you can appreciate that in this dog here. Remember that spirit is, so that nothing in this earth is completely devoid of spirit. The Scriptures don’t emphasize this, and Western thinking, with its either/or bias, tends to judge that if spirit is attributed to animals this lessens the sense of spirit in humans. This is unfortunate.

Since love is the most important manifestation of spirit I’ll say again that the more you love the more you’re capable of loving. Conversely, if you “ration” your love your capacities diminish. The old “use it or lose it” bromide applies very well. In like fashion, recognizing and acknowledging spirit in animals, plants, places… actually increases your capacity to recognize spirit in people and in human relationships. In the same way that everything tangible is finally energy, so everything with life is ultimately spirit.

Encourage David in the spiritual nature of his work. Start sending him individual Teachings that could be helpful, in addition to the Ruminations, which he does appreciate. You know you must get this current volume together and in usable order. Since you’re not preparing printed copies for a class you haven’t put many in this form. You must do more of this, for your father, for Dave, and for some others whom I shall designate. Spirit is in these Teachings, and it is a good way, for some, to hear of My actions and reactions in this good earth.

As you are with Bob and his family be supportive and appreciative of all he has done. Yet gently inquire how his spirit is in relation to his stressful life. You don’t have to tell him what to do. Just share with him some of your journey… some of how you are coming to see spirit. That can be as important as any physical work you do there with him.

SUN., NOV. 22, 1992,7:48 AM

The drive across this part of the country was easy and blessed, and the visit here has renewed a good, spiritual friendship. Spirit is the essence of all life, and this certainly is so in relation to humans. Bodily life in the earth is a powerful deterrent to this realization, and while some see through this rather well others accept its reality too fully and waste many opportunities.

You shall miss the spiritual gathering of people in your familiar church this day, but you shall have an opportunity to . . .

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