Spirit IS Life

SUN., AUG. 16, 1992, 7:05 AM

I can’t resist the temptation to offer you yet another Teaching that could be a part of this current Ruminations. Since you haven’t written it yet I shall speak to this theme, and you can decide whether or not to use portions of it. It is a bit radical for your culture, but always remember that I am in no way bound by your culture… or any culture.

Your culture, with science as a dominant influence on thinking, tends to equate life with the functioning of the physical body. Mental activity is important, too, for your ultimate criterion for death, or no life, is the absence of brain waves. Yet this is a physical measurement of brain action, which is not the complete explanation for the human mind. Life, then, is defined as the time between your official birth, when you breathe on your own, and your official death, when vital physical functions have ceased, permanently.

I say… that this is earth life, which is only a manifestation of life in the spirit, which is “real life.” I, the Holy Spirit, am the source of all life. In this I am “in combination” with the Creator God and Jesus, the Christ. We are all directly involved with the creation of life, but I am most involved in life creation because life is spirit, and spirit comes forth from Me.

You may wonder, then, how can spirits that come forth from Me be other than perfect? Each is perfect in creation, but as you spring from Me you are given the task of becoming. The analogy to human birth is a pretty good one… a baby is born, with potential for being a loving, caring, fully functioning adult. Growing up is a process in which that potential is fully realized, partially realized, or attained hardly at all. In a larger, cosmic, mystical sense individual spirits come forth with the potential for voluntarily returning to Me, having achieved the potential of seeing life as I see it.

One of the finest, and worst, challenges to this growth opportunity is coming into earth life, in a particular body, culture, family, and life circumstance. Your culture is one of the tough ones, with its affluence, its strong secular orientation, its emphasis on production, and on the supreme reality of physical being, politics, economics, and psychology. In your dominant cultural view I exist, but I’m not as important as all of these other, obviously real forces. I did create the earth and its resources, but they should be used in any way that is economically viable. Resources are to be used for human pleasures, as well as needs. There is no real spirit in this creation of Mine.

Well, of course, I called this a foolish rather than a civilized perspective. All that I have created has spirit, and the spirit in humans does not need all that your culture creates and demands for the good life… one in which spirit matures… back to Me.

The more developed your spirit is the more it gently puts aside this cultural view of reality and truly perceives spirit as the essence of life. This means feeling the spirit in other humans, whatever their actions… seeing spirit in animals (as you hear the vocal dueling outside), and feeling the spirit in places. You can give attention to physical needs, for you are manifested in the earth, but your spirit realizes that this is merely a “stage” on which growth is realized or unrealized.

SUN., AUG. 16, 1992, 7:05 AM

I can’t resist the temptation to offer you yet another Teaching that could be a part of this current Ruminations. Since you haven’t written it yet I shall speak to this theme, and you can decide whether or not to use portions of it. It is a bit radical for your culture, but always remember that I am in no way bound by your culture… or any culture.

Your culture, with science as a dominant influence on thinking, tends to equate life with the functioning of the physical body . . .

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