Spirit Is The Word

FRI., MAR. 25, 1988, 6:26 AM

Hear, o son, that spirit is the word. There are a number of words and phrases that can be used appropriately to describe the condition called health. Yet, from My perspective (obviously a biased one), spirit is the word that is the most encompassing. You may even want to say this tonight.

Health, you say, is full, high quality functioning and great capacity to adapt. But what allows or makes possible this full functioning and adapting? There are some measurable physical conditions that correlate with good health, but proof that a particular temperature, blood pressure, or hemoglobin count actually cause health is missing… and always will be. The main factor, because it unifies, coordinates, and “orchestrates” all of the other contributing factors, is spirit. Good ol’ spirit… that contribution direct from Me that still yearns for relationship with Me.

When this continuing relationship is acknowledged and maintained, the conditions for maximum health are “in place.” You shall use Cousins words… that laughter represents the “positive emotions” such as love, hope, desire to live, compassion, truth… You may also want to say that these are more than emotions, even positive ones. These are evidences of spirit… spirit that is the essence of life itself.

Oh, there can be life without spirit. A good deal of interuterine life is just movement and developing function, for the spirit has not yet entered or become a permanent factor in that “potential human.” In some conditions of ill-health (like your Mothers, for instance) the spirit leaves temporarily, and recovery is made more difficult. All the techniques of modern medicine are of very little value if spirit is not strong or is not cooperating. I have to smile at the seriousness some physicians display with particular techniques, procedures, and therapies. Skill in treating the body can be beneficial, but it is the whole person’s response that is crucial.

Some quite simple, primitive procedures seem to restore health, even when there is no scientific evidence that they should. The word is spirit. When spirit is encouraged to be part of the illness-fighting, healing, recovery process, it proceeds much better, even when the physical measures are not very relevant. It also often is the case that medicines derived directly from plants have some residual spirit… much more than in mass produced pharmaceuticals. Spirit, in many forms, is the word… that which is necessary for the fullness of human functioning.

When you trim your intended presentation you shall have one potentially quite appropriate and worthwhile. Still, it is your spirit that will translate the planning into a glowing time of communication. Your most important preparation now is in keeping your spirit fully involved. You want to give a healthy presentation. Give spirit full rein, and you shall come as close as you are able.

Spirit is involved in “will to live,” very definitely. Spirit is crucial in sustaining life in an emergency or dysfunctional situations. At the same time spirit is directly involved in the time of giving up this earth body and “moving on.” Said another way, spirit is the main factor in continued active life, and it also is the main factor in easy, comfortable death. Spirit says, “We’ll change form, that’s all. Let’s see what’s next!” Dying well is as important as living well, in relation to spiritual development in and out of time. Living with spirit fully involved is the best preparation for dying with spirit full involved.

FRI., MAR. 25, 1988, 6:26 AM

Hear, o son, that spirit is the word. There are a number of words and phrases that can be used appropriately to describe the condition called health. Yet, from My perspective (obviously a biased one), spirit is the word that is the most encompassing. You may even want to say this tonight.

Health, you say, is full, high quality functioning and great capacity to adapt. But what allows or makes possible this full functioning and adapting? There are some measurable physical conditions that correlate with good health, but proof that a . . .

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