Spirit On The Run

FRI., DEC. 20, 1985, 12:37 PM

A wonderful experience you just have had! Solitary, certainly, but some companionship with Me, apart from others, even loved ones, is desirable. Your legs and your whole body walked, but your spirit was running, at a pace much more like that of your accompanying dogs than like your own physical one. And now you have come to hear what I, the Holy Spirit Eternal, have to say about this romp with spiritual knowledge, ideas… even convictions.

The first is a commendation on your base – in the Triune God that you know as a Christian, Almighty and Everlasting God, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit, your Teacher, Companion and Friend. Your faith is in Us as final Reality and as the Ultimate Ruler of this World. You can have other beliefs about reality… even convictions that you call doctrine… but this is the Base to which you always return. I have no real opposition. Realities that can be seen as evil are all, finally, means of growth in sprit.

Yet as you recognize an evil it may be your path to oppose it and try to change or eliminate it. Some Christians have or choose paths that bring them into much conflict with evil forces. Often this is a very legitimate path (though some do just play along this often exciting, scary path), and I love those who are sincerely on it. But this does not mean you should be on it. You do not desire to be, and, fortunately, it is not necessary, even desirable. But do not shun those, particularly family, whose hands are in Mine, even as they tread differently than you do.

Yes, I ‘ll reaffirm, to you, that I love diversity, and I am not concerned about bringing all of this diversity into one mold. One of the truths about the biological life of the earth that bioscientists have discovered is there is need for diversity in species and even in individuals within each. As certain species are eliminated by human actions (usually selfishly motivated) the whole web of life that I have created and maintain suffers. The creation process is still in full force, so I must counter some human action, but I also send warnings in a variety of ways.

Yes, I have diverse ways of coming to and teaching humans. I send a Word through Mabel for many diverse souls. My Scriptures are both a rational and a mystical means of hearing My voice. This that We do together is not common, but it is not particularly significant. It is certainly no great new revelation that all should hear. It is a group of Teachings for this time, but you have no responsibility to evangelize with these, EXCEPT as I direct and lead you. From these you must not shirk.

You wonder (but infrequently) about the anti-Christ, and how this revelation fits with those I have offered to you. It was a revelation to a servant, John, and some others should hear and be excited by it. It is not a vision nor a prophesy you need to be concerned with. Do not deny it, even as you see it as unlikely (and My Teachings to you do make it unlikely). What you can deny is that there shall be any such force that would truly threaten My sovereignty. You needn’t battle over it, but you can affirm that I am not in danger. Not in the least.

FRI., DEC. 20, 1985, 12:37 PM

A wonderful experience you just have had! Solitary, certainly, but some companionship with Me, apart from others, even loved ones, is desirable. Your legs and your whole body walked, but your spirit was running, at a pace much more like that of your accompanying dogs than like your own physical one. And now you have come to hear what I, the Holy Spirit Eternal, have to say about this romp with spiritual knowledge, ideas… even convictions.

The first is a commendation on your base – in the Triune God that . . .

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