Spirit Plays

SAT., JULY 17, 1993, 6:35 AM

An intellectual dream was one that you struggled with last night. You can’t remember the details, but your general impression was that it was a serious matching process, not at all a playful experience. This would brand it as an intellectual dream, for if the spirit had been dominant it would have been a more playful experience.

As you consider this day that lies ahead you have no pressing chores or responsibilities. Oh, you should get the rest of Our Ruminations sent out, but that’s the only real imperative. I challenge you, then, to let your spirit prevail, which means that everything you do will be more play than work. You see, spirit is your direct link with Me, and I see that earth life should have a supreme quality of play to it.

Oh, there certainly are serious situations. Geographically close to you there are people whose homes are being ruined, whose crops are lost under water, and whose hopes for the future have been dashed by this river flooding. This is a serious happening, and yet from My vantage point I see a great and mighty river whose course has been increasingly determined by human needs and wants showing, once again, its power and might. As Almighty God I promised never again to destroy human and animal life by flooding. I am not causing this flood. I simply have let unusual weather patterns prevail, and water, which your Farm needs badly, is, adjacent to the river, destructive in its super abundance.

What I love to see is people working together, filling sand bags, for example, and having fun in the process. If you must do combat with a swollen river do it with a smile and a light spirit.

Be thankful, personally, that there is no water threat to your Farm, and go about your tasks today with a playful spirit. Make your drive tomorrow with the same spirit, letting thoughts flow freely as you drive this now-familiar route. You can even create your own thankful worship service as you head north and east. Try it.

Your shoulder is irritatingly painful, and a bit dysfunctional. I still call on you to be thankful for the function you do have, and focus as little attention on this disability as possible. Healing is more rapid and complete when your spirit is positive and fun-loving.

Yes, you could clean this desk with the merry heart you should have because of your position in life. It is both a gift from Me, and one you have earned, with ability and hard work and dedication. Enjoy this time in your life and let your spirit lead you in playing as much as possible. Consider that cleaning this desk can be an experience of play.

You are right in giving up this Survival task, even as I have applauded your exposition of spirit as a unifying dimension of health, the one most relevant to environmental concerns. It has been a good contribution, along with the spirit with which you imbue your lectures. But even good contributions cease. Your long career is winding down, and you should be enjoying as much of what you do as possible. Continue your dedication to your classes, your own, and do them with a playful spirit.

SAT., JULY 17, 1993, 6:35 AM

An intellectual dream was one that you struggled with last night. You can’t remember the details, but your general impression was that it was a serious matching process, not at all a playful experience. This would brand it as an intellectual dream, for if the spirit had been dominant it would have been a more playful experience.

As you consider this day that lies ahead you have no pressing chores or responsibilities. Oh, you should get the rest of Our Ruminations sent out, but that’s the only real imperative . . .

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