Spirit With You

SAT., JAN. 20, 1990, 11:56 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, come to you in myriad ways. I come as an external force, decidedly Other from you, as a human, both sinful and saved. At the same time I am within you, guiding your spirit and encouraging or combatting your mind. In this sense I am as much a part of you as any other aspect of self. Your spirit came forth from Me, and in one sense is separate from Me… but also I never completely leave a spirit. I am not directing, but I am guiding.

I come as a fire, and I burn. Fire is both a wonderful, warming fact of earth life and a fearsome devourer of property and life. The first that burns in a controlled way in your fireplace warms that room where you live most. Yet you can remember that that fireplace was almost the cause of this fine old Farmhouse burning down. And you still honor the possibility of this house being consumed by fire. Sometimes My presence is one of warmth, oftentimes when you truly need such warmth. In other instances I come as a burning fire, urging you to change or to act more strongly in some way. You may respond and appreciate My burning thrust… or it may be a source of discomfort in your life.

I come as the wind, and I cleanse. I like to cleanse, and a wind can accomplish this. You often need cleansing from thoughts and actions that are less than noble. I come as the wind and cleanse you from the continuation of such “smog.”

I come as the light, and I reveal. So much more can be seen in the light as contrasted with the dark, or even the gloomy. You hear, but you may not understand. You experience, but you may not be able to appreciate what has happened. Then I come as the light, and in My light reality is revealed and clarified. Life whirls along, with experiences piling one upon the other. It is I Who help you understand, interpret, and appreciate.

There is a mighty art to balancing when I should be fire, wind, and light to you… and to countless other souls with whom I am companion. I deal with you more directly than I do with most servants. In one sense this is a sort of experiment, even as I have done it many “times” before, in many different ways. Obviously, however, I am not as evident to most other people, even other Christians, as I am (12:25 / 12:29) to you. You are special… and yet this is nothing you “deserve” or have “earned.” I just have fun with different balances, and I have had much fun with this one you and I have worked out.

I come to convert. You were not a heathen, a pagan, or a non-Christian. Yet I had to convert you, over a number of years, into a truly born again Christian… one comfortable hearing My “voice” and sharing with others. I doubt that you ever could be “unconverted” now, leading a pleasant, productive life without My presence. Yours was not a dramatic conversion, nor was it expected. You are somewhat of a maverick convert. You are a “joint project” between you and Me.

I come, and I convict. I change beliefs and possibilities into convictions. You have many more true convictions now, after these years with Me, than before. Part of this has come with age and part from My influence. It is not important to be able to determine which is which. Unfortunately, you are not able to share all of your convictions, but just be aware of circumstances that may allow such.

I come, and I comfort… and I help you when you need to comfort others. There are times when you are in need of comforting. I come and provide this, sometimes before you are aware of your need. Comfort is for the easing of discomfort… and also that you might be freer to serve Me and others.

As you enter more fully into a state of enlightenment (which isn’t likely soon) you simply become more and more aware of My being in these many ways. As you experience and appreciate My power and the effects this has you just naturally become less concerned with yourself and the need for your individuality. Then, very naturally, you feel no need for more individuation, and you joyfully become part of Me. Just ponder this as the true “end” of individual life and the true “beginning” of Full life.

SAT., JAN. 20, 1990, 11:56 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, come to you in myriad ways. I come as an external force, decidedly Other from you, as a human, both sinful and saved. At the same time I am within you, guiding your spirit and encouraging or combatting your mind. In this sense I am as much a part of you as any other aspect of self. Your spirit came forth from Me, and in one sense is separate from Me… but also I never completely leave a spirit. I am not directing, but I am guiding . . .

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