‘Spirits’ In Song

JUNE 9, 1980, 6:10 AM

You desire some more help, o son, with the presentations that are ahead of you this week. I have indicated that these are important to Me, so I shall be glad to offer some more insights.

Let me comment first on the two songs that were left out of the previous teaching. Before the Temperance Movement song emphasize the spirit that many of its people had and tried to stimulate – that the land, state by state, would be better off without alcohol and that the spirits of children would be singing in freedom from this potential bondage. (But don’t say it all in one sentence!) This can be followed by a short excerpt from the Song of the Temperance Union, a nice balance. Emphasize that the spirits of the reformers were somewhat overzealous, particularly in condemnation of the inebriate… and the spirits of those who drank, but not to excess, saw and gently chided this zeal. That is about what you had in mind, so this was mostly reinforcement. And I have told you that this is appropriate.

Your practicing will make important differences in the presentation. You shall have a better “feel” for each song, so that comments on it will come from your internalization of it rather than from something memorized. You can say that songs are really stories with the additional ingredient of the music, which is also part of the story. Emphasize this after doing Bottle of Wine by singing a contrasting version.

Each of these opportunities will be different from one another, remember. In West Virginia the group will have had their lectures and discussion groups; some will be “filled to overflowing”. Your presentation can put a perspective on all that they have heard and learned. At New England they will have no perspective other than that with which each comes, so you have a chance to create a way of feeling… an additional understanding… that can be a guide for the week. Each is important. Just realize that the opportunities are unique one from the other.

Remember that a fundamental spiritual practice is sharing. You shall be sharing songs with the groups, but it is important for them to share amongst themselves in relation to the two songs selected. The very sharing of reactions to and interpretations of the spirit in each person in the song is, itself, a spiritual exercise. Emphasize this as an important part of the School experience… that some have experienced and some will, as the week unfolds. I may have some other comments and suggestions as the days approach. Just be sure you work on this each day… and do at least one tape and critique it.

Now hear some words about this meditation that We do together. Your month’s commitment is almost up… the last one is the day before you leave. I seek no more commitment at this time. You have shown a genuine commitment and an increasing capacity to hear Me, even in the midst of some distraction. You know now that you can carry this on at any time of the day or night, in almost any place, and can receive instruction useful and helpful to you. As you review the teachings you find that they take on a quality of integrity. You may have been having some trouble as you wrote, but as you reread them, those moments of shakiness have disappeared (unless I have commented about them). There are some, already, who are benefitting from them… in addition to yourself. Don’t try, yet, to increase the number of these. That shall come, in time and as I purpose.

You remember the story that involved Me as Jesus here in the earth… of the healing of the man blind from birth. “It was not that this man sinned or his parents, but that My works might be made manifest in him.” In a more positive way this is the best explanation of what We do here together. It is not that you are of great virtue… are sinless or righteous. Rather you are a fairly well developed spirit, well established in a field that I can use… so I just manifest Myself through you. You are to be no more glorified than the blind man. You are no one special. Still, you are very special and, yes, I have elected you to this task. Keep the balance of these two truths. You are not special… and yet you are. This is a fundamental part of your rhythm. Feel it today.

7:18 PM