Spirits In The Earth

SAT., NOV. 10, 1990, 7:03 AM

I have told you… and you are otherwise aware… that there are spirits here in the earth, different from those in human bodies. The Scriptures mention angels, even by name, and demons, too. Your culture does not pay much attention to these forms of life, but I do want you to know that these are part of My creation.

Humans are the main “actors” in the earth scene. Most are not often aware of these other spirits, and thus they feel that they have earth all to themselves. Some do not “believe in” Me and hence have developed a humanistic interpretation of life, which sees life as having reality only from sometime before birth until physical death. They give no credence to spirit in humans, and they certainly are not open to evidence of spirits without bodies. I allow this, but note that these tend to have a difficult time adjusting after death.

As I said, the Bible speaks of angels, and these still inhabit the earth. Mostly they do their “work” quietly, for they do not need human recognition and approval. Some work solely with individuals, in a kind of guardian capacity. There is no particular system to this. An angel may just “choose” an embodied spirit to guard and assist and may even do this from the prenatal period. Occasionally the spirit that is in the human and the angel spirit have been in relationship in some non-earthly realm and decide to carry on this interaction in this different way. Occasionally the human is aware of this relationship, but usually just barely or not at all.

The angel spirit usually does not do miraculous acts but gently and unobtrusively protects the human from various forms of harm. Some perform a teaching function, so that the human learns better and retains that learning for important use. People who are very adaptable often are so because of guardian angels. Occasionally several angels will assist a human in some difficult situation from which she emerges unscathed or even victorious.

Spirits who are called angels are, as suggested in the Bible, rather highly developed. They never sin, for their motives are always positive and pure. Yet they are not all equally competent to do what they try to do. There are other spirits in the earth that are not so highly developed and whose motives and actions are about as mixed as those of most humans. Only occasionally do I allow them to affect earth life, for I do want it to remain basically for human spirits and human activity. But there are spirits around, and it truly is impossible to differentiate their influences from those that are called natural.

Then, yes, there still are demons and other evil spirits. The fact that you have not had any experiences that you attribute to such negative spirits does not mean they do not exist. There are some particularly hard fought struggles between angels and evil spirits that are behind certain human actions. Some addictions and some abusive behavior is influenced by these spirits. And some incredible recoveries are evidence of the power of angels and other positive spirits.

But why, you may well ask, do I allow all of this? Well, it just makes the earth a more interesting and challenging scene. You are aware that the soil here on your Farm has within it many small forms of life that are invisible, but have effects that make plant growth possible. Sam son’s body will deteriorate and become food for plants because of these microorganisms. Consider this as an analog to what I have told you about spirits. Even human life must keep a balance with a variety of tiny organisms, some helpful and some potentially destructive. Why all of this. Well, it makes earth life more challenging.

SAT., NOV. 10, 1990, 7:03 AM

I have told you… and you are otherwise aware… that there are spirits here in the earth, different from those in human bodies. The Scriptures mention angels, even by name, and demons, too. Your culture does not pay much attention to these forms of life, but I do want you to know that these are part of My creation.

Humans are the main “actors” in the earth scene. Most are not often aware of these other spirits, and thus they feel that they have earth all to themselves. Some do not . . .

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