Spirit’s Many “Forms”

MON., DEC. 9, 1996, 2:40 PM

Can you perceive what I’m pulling and pushing you toward? Just as the most modern physics sees everything that is as forms of energy, so I want you to see spirit permeating this earth scene in many, many “forms”. Energy is in waves or in particles. Spirit cannot be limited by definitions. It can be described, and “as having many forms” is a good beginning.

The office has a spirit within it… because I have allowed you to use it as a secondary site for My Teachings to you. It has plants, momentoes, wonderful student papers, the books that represent your many Death Education and Human/Spiritual Interacting courses, music, a view of the campus, and… you will appreciate this even more as you begin the move out of it. What to keep and what to cast away?

Spirit is part of each person, and you learned more about that which is in Lydia as you conversed today. You took the opportunity of telling her about Our relationship, about the Teachings and the Ruminations. You didn’t know that would happen, but it came forth very easily, and you have another who may profit from these observations of Mine. So the spirit in each of you sort of “produced” the spirit of the encounter… the lunch together.

There is spirit in many forms of music, and you felt it yesterday, particularly in the work by Mozart, a wonderfully unique spirit, himself, who was able to produce music that could be played with spirit. And there was a spirit in that odd place, not one designed, certainly, for spiritual purposes. Yet when those of you who appreciate this type of music congregate on a Sunday afternoon there is spirit in the very gathering.

There was spirit in the gathering after church yesterday… in the sandwiches shared and in the unique message in the children’s enactment of part of the Story of this Advent season.

It was spirit that brought you to the awakened state early this morning with fear for the safety of your rooster, now dubbed Chanticleer. He was safe, and your spirit was satisfied… but puzzled as to why he hadn’t crowed, his spiritual contribution to the morning Farm sounds.

Back to music… you exude spirit often when you play and sing, much to be preferred over just more musical talent and practiced style. You shall have opportunities this next semester, in each class, to add to the spirit, of the group and of each subject area, through selected songs. Don’t miss these… because of judgments that you don’t do this well enough. You have contributed to the Hospice training program in this way, too… and to the memorial services. Keep it up.

There is spirit in this teaching profession, of which you are a part. Recall feeling it, in each of the settings that you have enjoyed in your long career. For the rest of this academic year, be aware of and appreciate the spiritual experiences in a classroom… and, surely, out at your Farm, when classes meet there.

Out there it can be a super experience, for those times are an amalgam of the spirit in each student, in some relationships established before or during the class, in the Farm itself, and in the topics you introduce and to which they reply. A beautiful afternoon can add to the spirit, as can certain foods… and, even, your home brew.

Spirit came forth in that visitation time for My servant Bob. His had been a fine career, a service to Me as well as to many high school kids. There was much expression of spirit to his family and among those who gathered. The funeral and burial were also spiritual events.

There is spirit in the variety of physical tasks that you still do – cutting and splitting wood, feeding, repairing the fence. You vow to do more fishing after your retirement, and I want you to perceive this as mostly a spiritual time.

MON., DEC. 9, 1996, 2:40 PM

Can you perceive what I’m pulling and pushing you toward? Just as the most modern physics sees everything that is as forms of energy, so I want you to see spirit permeating this earth scene in many, many “forms”. Energy is in waves or in particles. Spirit cannot be limited by definitions. It can be described, and “as having many forms” is a good beginning.

The office has a spirit within it… because I have allowed you to use it as a secondary site for My Teachings to you. It . . .

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