
December 20, 1979, 6:23 PM

You saw the word, o son, though not as clearly and dramatically as you would have liked.  Still, you heard it and saw it in your mind, all very quickly.  You have picked another unique place and time, but I see no reason why this time of quiet should not be used for my teaching.  (Yes, a double negative… no comment.)

Spiritual is a term and a concept that you have introduced rather well as a component of health and well-being.  You shall continue to improve, but you can be proud of what We have done this semester.  You have found so many for whom this is a true well-spring of abundant health already… but had not been able to relate to their professional lives.  Now more are doing so… and feeling good about it.  Hear again My call to have some evening supper groups to develop more plainly the spiritual dimension.  Also, of course, it would be well to plan an article for your Spring schedule, for you must become identified clearly (though, remember, not entirely) with this development in holistic health education.

Spiritual obviously means “of the spirit”, but put in some effort to define it more fully.  (Better yet, listen to Me!)  Most importantly, spiritual means “in tune with My Spirit”.  When this is the condition, thoughts, words, and actions are spiritual, just by definition… like unto righteousness.  Link yourself with My Spirit, and spiritual is what you are.  Whether this contact is perceived as being from “without” or from “within” (or some combination) is not important to Me.  It seems so dumb for good spiritual folks to argue with each other as to whether the Spirit arises internally or externally.  I think you have this concept well-perceived.  Now do a better job of communicating it!

Spiritual also can refer to interactions with yourself.  As you think of who and what you love, ponder pure honesty and less-so, consider what constitutes your integrity as a person… for example… you are in interaction with your spirit. (Another both/and issue – you are ultimately total spirit, but as a human you can also interact with your spirit.  Seems odd, but that’s the way existence is, in one sense.)

Spiritual is the essence of some interactions with others.  You are coming to feel when these have a spiritual tone… as different from merely social interaction or academic/educational interaction.  “Different” – but in degree, for many spiritual interactions begin as social or education and truly evolve.  Be more aware of this… and enjoy it fully.  I certainly do!

Spiritual also can characterize interaction with My world, beyond that of other people.  The sunset into the Pacific, the brilliant blue of the sky through the trees, the beauty of a tree (and of the site of Peter’s grave).  All of these touch the spirit and show how the spirit can flow from self into the world round about.  Spiritual also can describe the interaction with certain animals.  Some are positive, like a meeting with little Prudence.  Others are quite different, such as killing a rabbit or hooking a catfish.  Spirit flows, and of this you can be aware and can appreciate.

A realm of the spirit which you have not much acknowledged is that associated with microorganisms.  There can be a spiritual dimension to interaction with these little bits of life.  They win out occasionally, which is a challenge to the spirit.  Let not the spirit depart as a cold or flue cometh upon you.  The spirit can still soar, not just in spite of, but also because of.  You’re beginning to realize this, but it still is not something you acknowledge.

Insects, too, are part of My world.  Sure, they’re often pesky, but be as gentle as you can with them.  Let not your spirit depart as you vengefully kill these little ones.  (I know some of My servants in the East overdo this tenderness a bit, but many Christians have a great under appreciation of this area for spirituality).

There is also a spiritual quality to machines and to institutions.  It is truly a marvelous dimension of being.  I am so glad I created it.  It truly is one of My most creative creations.

Yesterday you wobbled and sighed as you labored with this “task”.  Isn’t it nice to know that it can flow again?  Remember My admonitions.  Above all, acknowledge the spiritual in all of life.

So let it be.

7:22 PM