Spiritual Adapting

FRI., JAN. 21, 1983, 6:25 AM

You already have been doing some physical adapting, in this first morning of traditional winter weather… and it seemed successful. But you need to be more aware and appreciative, o son, of that quality of adapting called spiritual. You are presenting your continuum concept in this early part of the term, and it is important to Me that you give some examples of spiritual adapting. This already had come into your mind, but you had not formulated any applicable examples, so why not consider some I shall offer?

Spiritual adapting refers to dealing with new, unique, or changed situations that involve the spirit of self or persons… and that involve Me. These can be quite simple, with only self involved, or they can range up to utterly complex issues such as global war. In any such situation the key capacity is to give genuine consideration to others and to know and do My will. Action based on these capacities is almost always the most commendable action.

You want to… and should… apply your continuum concept in considering this sort of adapting. Accordingly, spiritual adapting at the extreme ecological end is that which a person attempts to do with her own resources, not even involving Me. There is a situation with some unexpected money. The mind may say to pay bills owed, while the emotions may push for something to give personal pleasure. Spirit pushes to give to others, others that are known to be in greater need than self. This can be generated from within self, for, obviously (that is, from observations) spirit can be developed apart from any overt relationship with Me.

People who are not church folk and who profess no association with Me can exhibit spirit as an aspect of adapting. Every person has a spirit, the manifestation of that permanent nature of life that lives and grows… or maintains… or regresses… in various realms of being or planes of existence. Some persons, consistently… or just for this earth life… want to try to “do it myself”. I do not desire this to happen, but I understand the motivation for it. Sometimes it is an honest desire from the person’s spirit, but at other times it can be a response of weakness to certain cultural patterns.

Moving along from the extreme individualist, there are people who develop spiritual adapting power from association with others… from family members, from friends. OR… persons may relate to Me privately, on a one-to-one basis, with the Scriptures or any church affiliation. Then come combinations – relations with Me, without the Bible, with others, with spiritual writings (such as these). The more a person combines, the stronger he will be, generally. (The exception, of course, is being thrust into a threatening situation where survival depends on total adaptability. Then the strength that comes from Me, from others, from printed sources, from the Church, must have been internalized as a part of one’s own ultimate resources.)

The institutional church has many forms – from informal groups to formal organization and size and authority. These can help an individual in adapting… “this is what you should (or should not) do.” Electronic means are bringing spiritual helpers and institutions to some, even without their moving from a favorite chair.

FRI., JAN. 21, 1983, 6:25 AM

You already have been doing some physical adapting, in this first morning of traditional winter weather… and it seemed successful. But you need to be more aware and appreciative, o son, of that quality of adapting called spiritual. You are presenting your continuum concept in this early part of the term, and it is important to Me that you give some examples of spiritual adapting. This already had come into your mind, but you had not formulated any applicable examples, so why not consider some I shall offer?

Spiritual . . .

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