Spiritual Awakening

MONDAY, JULY 13, 1981, 6:09 AM

You look ahead of you, o son, and you see the huge, round symbol of awakening… the reddish sun, full and powerful. A new day has begun for you in an unusual way. The sleep has been little, and a long day stretches ahead… and a week as well. How will your spirit awaken this day… this week?

You are now through with your traveling for some time, it seems. As I have told you, it is now time for your spirit to awaken and complete the sabbatical report, which shall be the lead-in to your first paper on the findings of your initial study. Much of what you have learned now seems so obvious that you are forgetting that most people do not have this concept at all clear. But you discerned in the answer to that one question on your exam that even these military students are open to and accepting of a spiritual dimension to health. Most of them just don’t know what it is. Nor do most people. Develop the stories that shall tell them. It is time for this small awakening, and you are the one to bring it about.

Work gently but consistently now at the developing of the spiritual beauty of that Farm of yours. Resist the temptation to feel frustrated. Just do a little bit each day. The fact that your Workshop group will not be out this week gives you a bit more needed time. Use it to achieve awakening.

Kris’ awakening this week past was a significant one. You shall hear more from her, and this awakening should spur you to finally get a student group together, to discuss and be enlightened by these teachings. Cecile can be a motivator… but Kris’ excitement should enliven your acceptance that there are many who appear not to be interested in spiritual matters who shall be “turned on” by this approach that We share. I know you still are reluctant, but you must admit that this example I gave you was unexpectedly vivid. Reach out. Take a few more chances. Let Our light so shine…

MONDAY, JULY 13, 1981, 6:09 AM

You look ahead of you, o son, and you see the huge, round symbol of awakening… the reddish sun, full and powerful. A new day has begun for you in an unusual way. The sleep has been little, and a long day stretches ahead… and a week as well. How will your spirit awaken this day… this week?

You are now through with your traveling for some time, it seems. As I have told you, it is now time for your spirit to awaken and complete the sabbatical report, which . . .

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