Spiritual Discontent… Again

WED., JUNE 19, 1996, 6:30 AM

Your spirit is again in a partial state of discontent… yet again. So here you are, seeking solace and explanation from the One responsible for this condition. What is the basis for this “trouble”? I have called you to this special time and mode of learning, an aspect of the mystical tradition. You didn’t seek it. Still, when I invited you, you responded. For over 17 years you’ve been hearing Me and writing what you hear. And I am the Holy Spirit, out of and at One with the Lord God, the only One there is.

When I called you, you were an active member of the Presbyterian Church, a “mainline” church, with roots in both fundamentalism and liberalism. And, actually, it is a fairly accurate representation of your American culture, as a whole. Those elected to govern represent a comparable, even greater, range, and agreement on what government should do is hard to come by. But I digress, just a bit. There are few Presbyterian mystics, and those whom I have called to such experiences have a diversity “of their own” and are mostly “in the closet”, as you are.

Thus you wonder, at times like this, when you read this publication of the “right”, whether or not you should seek more comfort, in your faith journey. This could mean giving up your association with the church and seeking relationship with others on this exciting, fulfilling, but frustrating fringe of spiritual living. Or it could mean giving up this relationship with Me and trying to be a more orthodox, conservative Presbyterian Christian. (Think how much more time you would have for… hmmm, what would you do with it, of greater value?)

Neither of these seems attractive, and (are you surprised?) I recommend neither. You are to continue in both “tracks” toward spiritual growth, with the discontent that accompanies such a venture (I’ll finish after the breakfast/study.) ( 6:45 / 8:34 ) I wouldn’t have called you to this relationship if I weren’t rather certain that you could handle the “struggle”. And then I’ll say, without further explanation, that when you drop your body and pass on over into the next segment of your journey you’ll understand the significance and reasons for this “trial”… and you’ll remember agreeing to it, before this earth life.

Now I’ve done it again, haven’t I?! I’ve given you an answer that is quite acceptable (even much appreciated) by your mystical self, but also one that you’d be unwilling to share with most of your Presbyterian brethren. Try to see yourself as a kind of “bridge” between these two perspectives, rather than as one not true to either one.

Remember that I tell you, again, that I Am the only God there is. I come to you as Holy Spirit, but I am also comfortable speaking as Jesus, the Christ, or as Almighty God, directly. Theologically I must be, and usually am, included as an aspect of God, but I am the least “known” and am more often regarded as a kind of “afterthought” in the Trinity. This is partly because of your culture’s dominant way of thinking: if I’m One I can’t be Three; if I’m Three, how can I be One? This is just a minor difficulty coming with this either/or perspective. The more major one, that affects you, is whether Holy Scripture… or even specific verses of such… is the only truth, for all time, all persons, and in all places and cultures, or whether I still speak, in ways that sometimes seem to differ from Scripture.

I tell you, of course, that what I tell you is truth that you must consider, irrespective of how it seems to relate to Holy Scripture. I have told you that I am considering various ways of reestablishing a more desirable balance in the web of life on earth… which means diminishing the human population, or at least stopping its growth. Your study of Habakkuk tells you that I can use apparently evil “forces” to achieve My goals. You no longer fear Chaldeans, but couldn’t cancer or ebola infections be a modern equivalent of these marauding folk?

WED., JUNE 19, 1996, 6:30 AM

Your spirit is again in a partial state of discontent… yet again. So here you are, seeking solace and explanation from the One responsible for this condition. What is the basis for this “trouble”? I have called you to this special time and mode of learning, an aspect of the mystical tradition. You didn’t seek it. Still, when I invited you, you responded. For over 17 years you’ve been hearing Me and writing what you hear. And I am the Holy Spirit, out of and at One with the . . .

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