Spiritual Health

FRI., JAN. 7, 1983, 5:43 AM

This is a term, o son, that you use on occasion and that is used as a heading for the focus that you now have in clarifying the extent of your professional field. I have given you insights on the spirit as a factor in health and on human/spiritual interaction, so let Me, this morning speak directly to this title. What is spiritual health, spiritual ill-health… and how does one promote and increase spiritual health?

There are two basic ways to consider this. One is the health of spirit, a dimension of the self… in other words, the health of a part that, with other parts, makes up the whole. The other way is to consider health only as applying to the whole, with the spiritual being an interacting factor. Obviously We are talking about the same thing, but from slightly different perspectives. The question is whether the spiritual can be isolated and “worked on” (as you would in developing muscle size and strength or in learning some facts that will be of value to your being) or whether its development comes in holistic contexts… as a by-product of total self development. You guessed it… both have merit.

You remember that the spiritual is the unifying dimension of the individual (and of groups and communities). It is that aspect of self that seeks the best balance of all the other dimensions, so that you function and adapt well. It also is the aspect of self that is more concerned with others, and with Me, than with self. Also it is that which identifies ultimate purpose and direction, for life in general and in momentary happenings.

Let’s consider your activities yesterday and see how the spiritual was functioning. Your spiritual nature was seeking the best balance among… an intellectual task to be completed (a sedentary one), the need to do certain errands (for Lenore and for the department), the opportunity to write a note of true appreciation, the opportunity to greet and talk with a former student and friend, the need to keep your environment clean, and some necessity for exercise. Your spirit was seeking the best balance… getting some of the task finished, riding your bicycle on the errands, spending some time with friends, yet being on time for the movie…

The more well developed the spirit the better the rhythm and balance. Know, for example, that with a less developed spirit you might have finished that manuscript review… or you might never have gotten to it at all. With a less developed spirit you would be a lot better on the guitar… or you wouldn’t play at all. The spirit is beyond the mind and the emotions, beyond social relations, beyond physical needs. Its concern, in the context in which We are speaking, is with the best balance of all of these factors. It will push you to clean your rabbit house today, just as it did to put up the plastic in the chicken house earlier in the week. So listen to your spirit and follow it for the best balance.

The purpose that spirit uses as a measure is service to others and to Me. The purpose of doing this review is that this might be a better book for those who will use it later. The purpose of the money that comes from the task is that others might benefit… yourself only indirectly. Spirit develops as you allow it to direct, coordinate, unify. As it develops, your life balance is better.

FRI., JAN. 7, 1983, 5:43 AM

This is a term, o son, that you use on occasion and that is used as a heading for the focus that you now have in clarifying the extent of your professional field. I have given you insights on the spirit as a factor in health and on human/spiritual interaction, so let Me, this morning speak directly to this title. What is spiritual health, spiritual ill-health… and how does one promote and increase spiritual health?

There are two basic ways to consider this. One is the health . . .

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