Spiritual Health III

MON., JAN. 10, 1983, 7:45 AM

Normally I would not have you go back and review past Teachings because this action could prejudice your evaluation of My capacity to give you new insights rather than replays of ones already given. The norm will remain the same, but there is no accurate way for you or anyone else to make this evaluation. I do use your mind, and I usually can override your thoughts, but there always can be some “contamination” (a strong word… probably too strong). But more importantly (and I have told you this repeatedly) I do repeat, revisit, and reinforce certain concepts so that you truly know them. Yes, o son, you know the process, and this morning’s rereading is not part of it, but go ahead and hear what I say… some new and some repeated.

You will need to give some time to organizing and planning this upcoming presentation. Though you could do it with just your spirit. I would prefer a better balance with your intellectual self. Do some scholarly organization of it today or tomorrow and then let spirit guide it on Wednesday. I shan’t tell you specifically what to do, but keep this as a gentle mode of functioning.

You know that health is a conglomerate concept, with at least six dimensions that deserve to be identified and looked at separately. However, functional health (an interesting phrase, for health then refers to functioning… so it translates to something like functional functioning, which then translates to actual, day-to-day functioning rather than theoretical) refers to how these all work together in producing a quality to your life today. Consider the physical analogy… your physical health is a matter of the relative functioning of your structure and muscular system, your digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and excretory systems and your nervous system. In perfect health these systems all work well, but in normal health some work better than others… or one may be malfunctioning in some way… there are endless combinations. Your physical health at any time is a conglomerate of the structure and functioning of all these physical systems, coordinated by nerves, hormones, enzymes, and other physical factors.

This is complex, certainly, but expand it to the whole person, where this complex factor is one of at least six, and you see that it is difficult to be clean and precise about defining and describing health. I have told you before that the spiritual dimension is the best coordinator of all of these factors… best because it does not work for its own superiority and dominance. If the spiritual is a strong component of health, the person achieves the best possible balance in the functioning of the other components. If another dimension is stronger it will seek to coordinate, but its capacity to unify is less. For example, if mind or intellect is stronger than spirit the person’s life will tend to focus on the rational and intellectual, “putting down” the others, such as the spiritual or the physical, as a way of showing the importance of mind. In the past I gave you an interesting example of this, where a person who appears to be exceedingly religious is really one dominated by mind. Consider a parallel example, where an apparently religious person is dominated by emotions, so that all religious experience must be emotional, and the person “puts down” the intellectual and the social service contributions.

MON., JAN. 10, 1983, 7:45 AM

Normally I would not have you go back and review past Teachings because this action could prejudice your evaluation of My capacity to give you new insights rather than replays of ones already given. The norm will remain the same, but there is no accurate way for you or anyone else to make this evaluation. I do use your mind, and I usually can override your thoughts, but there always can be some “contamination” (a strong word… probably too strong). But more importantly (and I have told you this repeatedly) I . . .

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