Spiritual Matters

WED., JAN. 2, 1985, 1:45 PM

Yes, o son, there are spiritual matters, and one of these is represented in this afternoon Teaching. You committed yourself to an every-day-for-a-week session with Me as you journeyed home… as you asked for a safe and speedy trip. You were the recipient of the latter, and was I involved or responsible? You assume I was… and you pledged, nevertheless. No one else knows of this, so you could just “fill your days with other matters”, as you did yesterday. But this commitment is a spiritual matter, and one of the most powerful and important. So you are here… to hear about this and other spiritual matters.

As you considered this morning, spiritual matters are not directly measurable. Oh, related phenomena may be counted, and that can give an impression of measurability. You have pledged a daily Teaching for a week, so anyone can look in the relevant book on January 9 and see if, indeed, you did write each day. But to what extent are you entering into communion with Me, the Holy Spirit, during each time of meditation? That cannot be counted or measured, and it is much more important than your mere presence. If you write three pages in about an hour this is another tangible evidence that something spiritual is taking place. And if it is I who am speaking (and this is what your writing represents) then there can be no “quality evaluation”, for everything that I have to say to you is important and does not lend itself to judgment as to the quality of Our interaction.

“Interaction”. The word sounds rather academic, but it is an essential concept in considering matters spiritual. Where spirit is involved there always is interaction. The most spiritual of behaviors would be one in which you were interacting fully with Me and also fully with some other needy humans. You are doing something tangible which benefits others and not yourself, directly. You are relating to others, and somehow they know that your motivations include serving Me. You are as aware of relationship with Me as you are of relationship with the others, and yet the distinction between becomes blurred. Inasmuch as you have done it unto… there am I also.

As you develop more spiritual maturity you will feel and know My presence in an increasing number and variety of circumstances. In some respects the interactions are different and distinct in each situation; in other respects there is a continuity and a beautiful sameness. One must not preclude the other. It is a spiritual principle that likeness and difference can exist at the same time and circumstance. Opposites more often complement one another than they do compete or negate.

Let’s go back to interaction. As you function in any situation your spirit is interacting with Me, for I am “ever-ready”, as is your spirit. Your consciousness of the nature and quality of this interaction is a matter of how strong your spirit is – in interaction with your mind, your body, and your social environment. When you went forward to partake of the Holy Eucharist last week the environment was strong in reinforcing interaction with Me, amidst others also partaking. (Yes, kneeling would have added another physical reinforcement.) As you drove and entertained various thoughts, some coarse and licentious, you were less aware of Me, even though I was as close as when you took the body and blood. As your spirit grows you shall know this, even in the moments that seem least spiritual.

WED., JAN. 2, 1985, 1:45 PM

Yes, o son, there are spiritual matters, and one of these is represented in this afternoon Teaching. You committed yourself to an every-day-for-a-week session with Me as you journeyed home… as you asked for a safe and speedy trip. You were the recipient of the latter, and was I involved or responsible? You assume I was… and you pledged, nevertheless. No one else knows of this, so you could just “fill your days with other matters”, as you did yesterday. But this commitment is a . . .

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