Spiritual Opportunities

TUES., OCT. 16, 1990, 6:42 AM

Another clear day dawns in this unique place, and before you leave you shall have an opportunity to share some experiences from your spiritual journey. You know this is an opportunity, so I was a bit disappointed when you hesitated at Joyce’s invitation. This is the kind of sharing you should be eager to do.

You shall speak of healing and of how spirit has been part of your experiences. You learned a good lesson in both instances, but you had to be guided. You truly weren’t spiritually mature enough to see what these experiences taught. But, fortunately for you, I am with you to interpret, emphasize, and help you discern.

Injuries are part of human life. Yesterday Wilma Ruth told you a long story of multiple injury from which there has been little healing. The worse injuries are those when people injure one another and where there is trauma that lasts for years. You have not experienced such, and you probably never will. One must have a strong, resilient spirit to emerge from abusive situations, particularly when these come in childhood or youth. It is a sad feature of earth life, but one that I sometimes allow because it is an unfortunately natural aspect of human life as it has developed here in the earth. Continue to pray that you will be spared from such injuries in your family.

The afternoon with Wilma was an opportunity to listen. This is a particular kind of spiritual exercise. Listening to another tell of her involvement in this complex drama, of how she helped and yet could not resole it, and of the spiritual, mystical happenings that she experienced, rather common for her, but strange to you, requires spirit to be quite active. Cherish those moments, even though your understanding of them is minimal.

Now, yes, I shall speak to you of this morning opportunity. You shall briefly tell of your layered born-again experience and of the advent of these Teachings. Then you shall focus on the two injuries, which have both a common message and somewhat separate ones. The common thread of truth is that spirit is involved in the healing process… BUT… that spirit can grow and develop even when healing does not occur. Your message could be just as spiritually uplifting if you were now walking with a decided limp and in some pain. The complete healing from an injury is not the only, or even the best, evidence of an active, growing spirit. Wilma Ruth’s is more spiritually developed and active than you are, and she lives with a back that has never healed properly and that keeps her living in pain. Just know and testify that yours was a healing and you appreciate its spiritual quality, but that you could have progressed equally or more with continued disability.

Likewise, you must know that death is not necessarily a victory for evil over good. Earth life is important, but it is only a unique aspect of spiritual life and not ultimate reality. As Jesus I died early in life, but you Christians should see this as a victory… and a means to the salvation of yourselves and many others. You must continue to teach that death is not the end, and it may well be the beginning of spiritual being more fulfilling than earth life.

Continue to have faith in the body’s capacity to heal. And know that this faith is a part of the healing process. Continue to have faith that your body has these healing capacities and do give them opportunities to function. Know that I shall advise you in times when medical care is being advocated for you. It may or may not be necessary. Most modern medical care isn’t. Continue to advise that medical treatment may well retard natural body healing. Most bodies have natural capacities to deal with injuries and infection. The medical establishment could be much less and life would do just as well.

TUES., OCT. 16, 1990, 6:42 AM

Another clear day dawns in this unique place, and before you leave you shall have an opportunity to share some experiences from your spiritual journey. You know this is an opportunity, so I was a bit disappointed when you hesitated at Joyce’s invitation. This is the kind of sharing you should be eager to do.

You shall speak of healing and of how spirit has been part of your experiences. You learned a good lesson in both instances, but you had to be guided. You truly weren’t . . .

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