Spiritual Progress

THURS., MAR. 11, 1982, 5:35 AM

Yesterday, o son, was a day of several experiences, and I need to comment on these in terms of spiritual progress. First, and most obvious, there was the “talking time” with son John Patrick. He has taken a circuitous and sometimes torturous life through teenage and early young adulthood, but, as you can see, it has been a journey along the spiritual path. His spiritual development is considerable, and he now is seeing his whole upcoming business career as a vehicle for spiritual expression and growth. These teachings can help in these experiences, and he recognizes their value. They shall be a means toward enlightenment for many in the next few years, but isn’t it thrilling that one of the first to recognize and acknowledge such is this almost prodigal son?

The path he took and forged for himself has no inherent spiritual value… only potential. Yes, he did create his own reality out of that and moved, spiritually, in some significant ways. It should be quite apparent that the business world is not typically seen and used as a spiritual arena, but your son sees it as such and is progressing into it with this orientation. I give you no prophesy about his monetary success, but his spiritual progress will be apparent and noteworthy.

He, more than many, was very self-centered, which is an inhibitor of spiritual progress. To the extent that he retains this focus on self his spirit will molder and his business success will not be notable. But if he can consistently apply one of these central and oft-repeated teachings – truly think of and act for others rather than self – there truly is no limit to what he can accomplish. His motivation to assure these written meditations that We do together a place in your culture’s literature is a very commendable one. Does this give you a glimpse of a way in which I operate to accomplish goals that I find desirable? The teachings come to you, but they are of such value to another that he shall strive to make them available for many. In this process he grows… and the teachings circulate. And, best of all, that “other” is a son of yours.

The evening meeting on the spiritual as a part of health was an important step forward for the Wellness Center. The concept of health portrayed by those in the Center is now more holistic. You observed, certainly, the range of “places” along the spiritual path evidenced by those who spoke. It was good that you mainly listened, but be open to opportunities in the future which can give you a more active role.

Be continually reminded of your unique calling. You are to give evidence of your spiritual progress, but you must remain identified as a health education professional. This is why the book Health Education is important in this whole scheme. It shall have value as an end in itself, but it also shall continue to identify you as one of the top professionals in your field. You can help many other make spiritual progress… from this position.

THURS., MAR. 11, 1982, 5:35 AM

Yesterday, o son, was a day of several experiences, and I need to comment on these in terms of spiritual progress. First, and most obvious, there was the “talking time” with son John Patrick. He has taken a circuitous and sometimes torturous life through teenage and early young adulthood, but, as you can see, it has been a journey along the spiritual path. His spiritual development is considerable, and he now is seeing his whole upcoming business career as a vehicle for spiritual expression and growth. These teachings can help in . . .

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