Spiritual Stories, Anew

SUN., APR. 7, 1991, 11:54 AM

It has been some time since I have “spoken” to you about spiritual stories. You know, even as I remind you now, that stories are the prime evidence of spirit in human lives. Said another way, spirit is just expressed better in story form than in terms of numbers, or even principles and concepts. Before you forget what you have heard and told make some notes so that, even this week, you can write some of the stories that you have experienced at this meeting. I told you to be aware of spiritual conversations and you did reasonably well, even as you missed a couple of good opportunities.

Dick’s story was dramatic, involving the possibility of death. I got his attention, and he was sufficiently aware and developed in spirit that he could accept what he heard and otherwise experienced. Rightly, he shall be cautious in telling his story, but, wisely, he did tell you. Encourage him to be open to what I want for the rest of his professional life. It shall require no major changes in how he is perceived, but in a few years he shall clearly see how his approach to life has changed and how I am a much more potent influence than before.

Phil is quite aware of the importance of the interaction with you. Choose carefully the Ruminations that he should receive now. Don’t overload him, but welcome him into the “fold” of those who read and profit from the Letter that you and I do together. He is a sincere young Christian, now with an energizing of the realization that spirit is quite a legitimate component of personal and even community health.

You received and accepted well much evidence that you are influencing many good and important people in your field. As you look back you are surprised at how difficult it was to get out 2 Letters, then 3, and finally 4 in a year. Now this comes easily. Keep it as a priority. Even ask, in the next one, if readers have topics or themes they would suggest developing. I know there are some who will respond, and, in good health education tradition, you will profit from this bit of needs assessment.

Continue to practice the memorization of the 6 line observation by My servant Robert. You should use this when appropriate and even develop a story of how this applies to health education. Remember My original direction: write stories as you hear them AND create stories out of principles, concepts, sayings, and facts.

The encounter you had with the couple last evening (whose names you must recover) was also important. Her story and yours, in relation to sons, were complementary, and your story, in some of its unpleasant detail, was helpful to her, and hence to them. You shall see, increasingly, that the hard times you and Lenore experienced with your sons are valuable as you interact with other people. Though your life has been relatively trouble-free, you have had some difficult adaptations, and these experiences, as part of stories, are important to the learning you can encourage.

Try to recall more of the interchanges you have had in the last 5 days and be sure you follow up on what each of these suggest. You may misread a few, but better to have a couple of rebuffs than to miss someone who is ready to be in the “spiritual team.” It is developing well, and you are one of its obvious leaders. It is a responsibility I give to you.

The hard aspect of the human story here in the earth is that your very success in prolonging and saving lives… even in conceiving new life… is resulting in increasing chaos. Work on a way to tell this in story form, with minimal numbers and imaginative analogies. It shall not be popular in your professional lifetime, but you can still introduce and reiterate it.

Now you are on your way back to a continuation of your positive life story, which you recount fairly well. In the future, before you come to such a convention, review your story and be more aware of the positive aspects than of the problems. It is increasingly easy for you to speak forth in positive terms, and even certain apparently negative happenings can be seen in a positive light, as you offered this morning in relation to global warming.

SUN., APR. 7, 1991, 11:54 AM

It has been some time since I have “spoken” to you about spiritual stories. You know, even as I remind you now, that stories are the prime evidence of spirit in human lives. Said another way, spirit is just expressed better in story form than in terms of numbers, or even principles and concepts. Before you forget what you have heard and told make some notes so that, even this week, you can write some of the stories that you have experienced at this meeting. I told you to . . .

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