Spiritual Thoughts While Aloft

MAY 16, 1980, 7:28 PM

This is an interesting variation that you propose, o lofty son. You anticipate that you may not have time for this meditation tomorrow, so you seek My counsel as the sun has just disappeared this day. You are moving through the air, but obviously I am with you and ready to give you some spiritual thoughts to ponder as darkness settles.

Your reaction to forgetting your symbolic pen was appropriate. Regret the oversight, but designate a new one. It shall be the “auxiliary” for as long as it lasts.

This shall be a memorable week. Keep your weekend class human and full of feeling. They shall respond well. Reread the teachings on alcohol before the Saturday night event and share them with Phyllis. Then use them as your referent for the evening. They may be useful in the Sunday presentation also. Be aware.

With Joyce be bold in telling about Our conversations. Share with her, and see where her spirit is now. It shall be pleasing but surprising. This time with her shall be an important prelude to the sharing with Mabel and Anthony. I shall not tell you how that may go. Just be sure you do share with them… and, again, be bold and not defensive. These experiences should drive you to the Scriptures, producing a better rhythm. Listen carefully to their views on some important issues and appreciate their age and experience. Just share. Just tell your story. Just let My Spirit guide yours in this encounter. This will be one of many on into the future, so appreciate all of the experience that you can.

Your time with Roger and Lib will be pleasant and rewarding. It is time that you come together and share experiences in the spirit. They can be helped along the path by some of your teachings. Spend some time in selecting which ones to share. Then listen for their needs and know where passages are that can help.

Yes, there is an “aura” to the earth as you observe the horizon. The earth is My beautiful creation, and it fulfills a special function in My Universe. It deserves an aura, certainly. Include a short meditation Sunday afternoon on the earth as a sacred body. You don’t have much time to prepare. Sunday noon should be enough time. Oh, I can give you some insights on Sunday morning. (It will be a short sleep weekend!)

Hear the Word of the Lord… the Spirit! You spoke, in your Futures Paper, with a naturalistic orientation, and said that Futures based on God’s purposes could be interestingly different. Consider how. Any future is going to have Me as a factor. You shall have to write a later paper explaining this. That shall come in its good time. Some of the future is determined, and some of it is not. These mesh together in beautifully fascinating patterns. There are some surprises, but I have great capacities to turn events to My purpose. This is beyond your comprehension. Worry not about it.

As I indicated once, the population, in the future, of this earth shall go down. The processes may seem tragic at the time, but there is no way to make them appear differently. The balance is becoming too heavy with people now, and this changes the rhythm in undesirable ways. (You might get some class reaction to this, also.)

You are right in your analysis of the future when you favor one in which people share more… and interrelate more personally. That is the type of future I favor, and, obviously, it is not coming forth from the dominant direction of American life. That means I shall bring about some changes… and utilize others that “just happen” toward this purpose. Keep this as a major focus for things that you do in the near future – bring about interrelationships and facilitate sharing. Small beginnings are important. Next Fall, for example, while not teaching, you shall begin a Sharing of the Spirit group from among the students… a non-credit seminar which shall be of significance as it grows and functions. It shall be unique in the country.

Know, now, that Our spirits intertwine anywhere and everywhere, even at 35,000 feet (as if that were important). Seek Me daily this week (except for tomorrow). You shall learn much as this week both unfolds and develops.

Over and out.
8:31 PM