Spiritual Values And Health

MON., MAR. 31, 1986, 5:42 AM

You are to make a presentation this week which shall include observations on values other than your Western secular ones which relate to health. That must be better organized early this week, and you shall need some help with it… and I volunteer. Even though you hadn’t really expected this from Me, you are not surprised. I have done it before, and I shall surely do so again.

The Fundamental understanding is that spirit is the primary “ingredient” in positive health, and because positive health is the best defense against illness spirit is as much a factor in prevention as is the whole immune system. Now that’s quite a statement, and it is utterly unproveable, of course, but it cannot be disproven either (short of a series of unethical, immoral experiments). I simply know this, and I tell it to you. You shall decide whether or not to include it.

When spirit is strong there is an appreciation of life which is well balanced with acceptance that it is Mine to give and to take away. There is appreciation of the value of medical treatment, yet no ultimate feeling that it is more than a minor help in the balance of health and illness. This attitude allows medial care to be of maximum value. The danger, of course, is that the influence of medication, surgery, and the whole medical establishment will succeed in blunting and dulling the healing power of spirit. Thus, a sick person becomes dependent on medicine and health deteriorates because of this dependence.

Some aspects of spirit are quite individual. The individual spirit can enhance health, or functioning, particularly when it is in relationship with Me… in any of several forms. But spirit is also manifested and developed in groups, particularly the family or the extended family, and thus this group can be a factor in the wellness of each individual member, as well as a help in overcoming illness. There definitely is a healing power in group spirit. It does not “work” in every instance, but neither does any other means.

When a medication is given… a modern, synthetic one, a proven natural one, or an utterly quack potion… its power to help can be enhanced by the power of spirit. Prayer is a means of invoking this power, and faith is a necessary element. Faith in the purveyor and in the medication… taking it with a prayer and strong belief… can enhance its capacity to bring a return to wellness.

For, you see, true wellness involves a positive attitude and a strong sense of purpose in life. Health is a means to service and to accomplishment, not merely an end in itself… an aspect of selfishness. Wellness is for others, not just for self.

There are many, many ways in which spirit is manifested and perceived among the present peoples of the earth. Much of this is religious in nature, and though I have told you repeatedly that Christianity is My best religious path, I cannot help be an animating force in every religion that turns people to Me. Oh, there are a few religions that are more evil than good, but they have some value that I appreciate, in the overall picture of the earth. I just do not limit My influence to that small group who are committed Christians.

MON., MAR. 31, 1986, 5:42 AM

You are to make a presentation this week which shall include observations on values other than your Western secular ones which relate to health. That must be better organized early this week, and you shall need some help with it… and I volunteer. Even though you hadn’t really expected this from Me, you are not surprised. I have done it before, and I shall surely do so again.

The Fundamental understanding is that spirit is the primary “ingredient” in positive health, and because positive health is the best defense against . . .

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