Spirituality? Spirituality!

WED., JAN. 28, 1998, 8:33 AM

Since you’re scheduled to lead a class at the Methodist Church this Sunday on this theme it seems right that I should give you some help with such an “assignment”. After all, as Holy Spirit I should be your best authority.

Yes, you should use the Teaching that We included in total in this present Ruminations. Though it offered three ways of viewing Holy Scripture you can make it fit spirituality, as well. Now hear some more, from Me.

Spirit is the essence of life. It certainly isn’t as tangible as the body, but the body’s life is certainly more limited than that of spirit. The body is affected by spirit, which can be a lengthening or a shortening factor. Many so-called “miracles” are the result of spiritual power… just as these stories of Me, as Jesus, in Luke, describe.

Mind is not as tangible as body, though mind is certainly rather directly related to the physical organ, the brain. Brain action is basic, but mind goes beyond the brain, some of this measurable and some not. Mind and spirit “overlap”, so that some of what you think and remember is predictable, but some is quite mystical, a product of spirit. Remember, then, that spirit is the essence of what I call life, and it does affect these other “realities” as well as being your essence, at every age and condition.

Spirituality can be experienced in three basic ways (with innumerable combinations of these as possible, even normative). Your spirit can be moved, and nurtured, with bodily, sensual experiences. What you see… what you hear… what you touch… smell… each, or in combinations, can affect spirit, toward growth or toward regression. Beauty can enhance spirit. Sordidness can erode this essence of you.

Then there are perceptions, thoughts, and ideas that can affect spirit. You just have finished a portion of an hour devoted to Bible study and discussion. Reading Scripture can nurture spirit. Sharing ideas and hypotheses (even conclusions) can have a feeding effect. These Teachings are a prime example. You know that you are “hearing” Me, Holy Spirit, and you are writing what you hear. Then these can be re-read by you… and read by others… and spirit can be nourished by these words, thoughts, and premises.

And, finally, spirituality can be a bit… to totally, mystical. Spirit is not tangible, and therefore it can be affected by other spirits and by the spiritual nature of “all there is”. You have this tangible “gift”, but you also hear Me and are influenced by Me, strictly spirit to spirit. When you finally establish this Emeritus rhythm that I want for you, you shall become ever more aware of the mystical nature of spirit. You have a good start on this, but you haven’t let yourself be as openly aware as I want you to be.

You needn’t look for some “model” to emulate. I want you to be uniquely, mystically spiritual. Balancing and rhythm are important concepts for you. You shall be more earthly than many mystics (already functioning thusly). You shall be more comfortably mystical than most of your colleagues and emeritus friends. You never were one to slavishly read in your academic field. You may now read more, but with different foci, or you may actually read less.

It is with pleasure (and therefore with some present frustration) that you look forward to this approaching new “balance”. Be a bit concerned about your aches and pains, but know that these are part of quite an “apparent reality”. Keep your spirit tuned to Me, and accept My guidance. Be increasingly willing to tell of this “gift” to those who are interested. I continue to act in uncountable ways, so know that some who become interested in what you and I do together are sent by Me, for experiences with you. It’s better to assume this is true (even frequent) than to miss opportunities by being too skeptical.

WED., JAN. 28, 1998, 8:33 AM

Since you’re scheduled to lead a class at the Methodist Church this Sunday on this theme it seems right that I should give you some help with such an “assignment”. After all, as Holy Spirit I should be your best authority.

Yes, you should use the Teaching that We included in total in this present Ruminations. Though it offered three ways of viewing Holy Scripture you can make it fit spirituality, as well. Now hear some more, from Me.

Spirit is the essence of life. It certainly isn . . .

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