Spring Has “Sprung”

THURS., MAR. 23, 2000, 4:36 PM

By the calendar it is Spring, and this has been a day that feels like Spring. Your pear tree is covered with blossoms, and leaves of many kinds are coming forth. Soon there will be much “green stuff” to feed your rabbits and chickens. Even for one whose age puts you almost into “winter” it is wonderful to welcome Spring.

You weren’t satisfied with your repair of the swing, but it does look better than it did. There is much to do around this place… AND… there is very little that has to be done, by any certain time. Your retired/ Emeritus life is beginning to have an appropriate rhythm to it.

Since this winter, just past, was not at all severe there is not great startling change as Spring arrives. But it is an awakening time for most of your trees, and soon the view will be quite different as you look out from here, east and north. You are disappointed that it has not been easier to lure the cattle which must leave this Farm soon into your muddy “corral.” There still will be some troubles, but it will be good to have your herd reduced.

For your own life rhythm I recommend some balance between setting certain tasks and striving to accomplish these AND just doing what you feel like doing. Your garden, last year, was “below average,” so put a bit more effort into that “aspect” of Spring and Summer, so that you accomplish more in the way of vegetable and flower “raising.”

You almost have the current volumes of Our Ruminations in order and ready for more efficient use. Get the covers and finish the Tables… and that postponed task shall be accomplished. Continue to re-read Teachings from earlier years, and be sure and give thought to the selection of Teachings to be read and discussed with John Patrick as you are videotaped. Again I say… have little concern, personally, for what John Patrick decides to do with what I am currently offering “the world” via you. Your role is to hear and write what you hear and then organize, compose, and send out 4 Ruminations Letters each year. That’s plenty.

The University is in full swing again, and there still is some pleasure in your “being around” up there. Enjoy the small space that still is yours, knowing that there will be a time, in the future, when it shall be time for you to pack up that “stuff” and… wow! Where will you put it? You’ll have to “downsize” from both there and here. That won’t be easy, but it will be necessary.

Your time of responsibility at the Church is almost pau, and “it is time.” You have taken active roles in church life, even from high school, but certainly through the 48 years of your married life. One of the aspects of growing old in this culture is decisions about what activities to continue, assessing, as you age, whether you still have the required competence and energy.

Letter writing, in addition to Our Ruminations has not been sufficient of late, and it is a contribution you can make to peoples’ lives that can be highly valued. Yes, put that on your LIST, with some specifics about… to whom? card or letter?

( 5:20 / 7:06 )

It is interesting, isn’t it? that the New Year comes in the midst of winter in this climate, and this Spring season, the symbol of newness, comes 3 ½ months into the new year. Ah me! Time is important here in the earth, for most of you, but it matters little to Me and to souls in spiritual realms. What is this like? There’s no need to try to explain it. You’ll understand it and “fit right back in” when you come back on over.

You’re doing pretty well in not recluttering this desk and table, but you do see that shelf over by the crock…and you noticed that you still have two boxes in the attic… and the dining table still is cluttered “with you.” You’ve made progress, but you’re “not done yet.”

THURS., MAR. 23, 2000, 4:36 PM

By the calendar it is Spring, and this has been a day that feels like Spring. Your pear tree is covered with blossoms, and leaves of many kinds are coming forth. Soon there will be much “green stuff” to feed your rabbits and chickens. Even for one whose age puts you almost into “winter” it is wonderful to welcome Spring.

You weren’t satisfied with your repair of the swing, but it does look better than it did. There is much to do around this place… AND… there is very little . . .

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