Spring Is Here!

THURS., MAR. 21, 1991, 6:07 AM

Yes, o son, officially winter is past and spring is the season. This meteorological fact also has some spiritual significance, for spring is the symbolic time of rebirth, with Easter as the prime time. I have told you that winter has its merits as a season, but one of the great assets of winter is that it is followed by Spring.

The early days of spring are variable in weather. Today there are high clouds, blustery air, and warm temperatures. Tomorrow there could be rain. And then it could become cool again. Spring weather is like unto the religious experience of some Christians. There are bright days of renewed faith… even the upbeat experiences of Palm Sunday and Easter. But then there come the spiritual equivalents of blustery days, with rushes and lulls and a condition of unsettledness. Rain and the return of cool equals doubts and successful competition by other activities and other explanations of reality. And, unfortunately, in spiritual/religious life spring does not always develop into the heat of summer.

Spring is a time for planting. Even though you have flowers blooming now you know these are short-timers, and you must get seeds in the ground for the color you want in the summer season. It is time, now, so do not postpone this action too long. As usual, you have much to do, but planting doesn’t take excessive time.

Your classes come out here next week, and do I urge you to get to the basic cleanup that is necessary to make this place look presentable. Set yourself to tasks and accomplish them. Get that “wood lot” cleaned up. Do what you can with the lagoon and the near pasture. Distribute old hay. This doesn’t sound all that spiritual, but you and I both want these experiences here to be as positive as possible. That shall take some work on your part.

You do realize that you have not written a Christmas letter, and you should. Naturally, the current Ruminations has the priority, and it must be out by early next week. Perhaps the Christmas message could be accomplished, at least in some simple form, before you leave for your convention. I realize this is pushing, but this is a responsibility you must not shun.

You realize that Teachings for nearly two years past have not been completely put into volumes with proper tables of contents. You have the material for your next Ruminations, so there will be no need for “research,” but I do ask for more attention to these offerings of Mine to you. As you know, each has merit, even as you see some as more valuable. For reasons of both respect and utility I call on you to give continuing attention to the ordering of these Teachings. I seem to be able to get you here for this time of unique learning more easily than I can get you to put the results in order.

With much to do here the thrill of going to the convention soon seems to be missing. This is a Spring event, and it is important for you to be there as a kind of focus for Saluki pride. You have unique relationships with many of your former students… spiritual in nature. Be sure that exchanges with some of these have a spiritual quality. Ask about spiritual growth. Some will jump at the chance to reply.

Wow! There is so much to accomplish that there shall be little time for enjoyment of this season and time with Lenore… right? Wrong! Your spirit will direct you to the right balance, so give heed to this most important aspect of yourself. Tasks are important, but so is balanced living. Just be sure that time and effort are not frivolously wasted.

THURS., MAR. 21, 1991, 6:07 AM

Yes, o son, officially winter is past and spring is the season. This meteorological fact also has some spiritual significance, for spring is the symbolic time of rebirth, with Easter as the prime time. I have told you that winter has its merits as a season, but one of the great assets of winter is that it is followed by Spring.

The early days of spring are variable in weather. Today there are high clouds, blustery air, and warm temperatures. Tomorrow there could be rain. And then it could become cool . . .

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